Ch.11 Flashcards
Mental state or feeling associated with our evaluation of our experiences
Discrete emotion theory
Theory that humans experience a small number of distinct emotions that are rooted in their biology
Primary emotions
Small number of emotions believed by some theorists to be cross culturally universal
Includes happiness, sadness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and contempt
Display rules
Cross cultural guidelines for how and when to express emotions
Cognitive theories of emotion
Theories proposing that emotions are products of thinking
James Lange theory of emotion
Theory proposing that emotions result from our interpretations of our bodily reactions to stimuli
Somatic marker theory
Theory proposing that we use our gut reactions to help us determine how we should act
Cannon bard theory
Theory proposing that an emotion provoking event leads simultaneously to an emotion and to bodily reactions
Two factor theory
Theory proposing that emotions are produced by an undifferentiated state of arousal along with an attribution of that arousal
Mere exposure effect
Phenomenon in which repeated exposure to a stimulus makes us more likely to feel favorably toward it
Facial feedback theory
Theory that blood vessels in the face feed back temperature info in the brain, altering our experiences of emotions
Study of personal space
- Public distance
- Social distance
- Personal distance
- Intimate distance
Self esteem
Evaluation of our worth
A personality trait marked by extreme self centered ness.
Positive illusions
Tendencies to perceive more favorably than others do.