Ch10 (lesson 12) substance use Flashcards
types of substance use disorders
a) alcohol and tobacco
b) Marijuana
c) Opiates
d) stimulants
e) hallucinogens
f) gambling
prevalence substance use
alcohol: 51.9 %
cigarettes: 27.7
marajuana: 6.6%
subtance use disorder DSM- IV-TR
pathological use of substances divided into two categories
- substance abuse
- substance dependence
DSM-5 substance use disorder category
one category-
substance use disorder
categorized by substance:
- alcohol
- amphetamine
- cannabis
- cocaine
- hallucinogen
- inhalant
- opiod
- phenocyclidine
- sedative/hypnotic/anxiolytic
- tobacco
Substance use disorder DSM-5 criteria
problematic pattern of use that impairs func.
two or more symptoms within a 1 year period
- failure to meet obligations
- repeated use in situations where use is physically dangerous
- repeated relationship problems
- tolerance
- withdrawel
- substance taken longer time or greater amounts than intended
- efforts to reduce/control use don’t work
- much time trying to obtain substance
- social/hobbies/work given up or reduced
- strong craving to use substance
severity ratings
mild: 2-3 criteria
moderate: 4-5 criteria
severe: 6 or more-
- with physiological dependence: presence of tolerance or withdrawal
- without physiological dependence: absence of tolerance or withdrawal
indicated by either
1) larger doses needed to produce desired effect
2) effects of substance becomes markedly less if usual amount taken
negative physical and psychological effects when stopping substance/ reduces amount
symptoms c an include:
- muscle pains/ twitching
- sweats
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- insomnia
alcohol use disorder- alcoholic
physiologically dependent or heavy user
Delirium tremens (DT’s)
alcohol use disorder symptom
- can occur when blood alcohol levels drop suddenly
results in:
- deliriousness
- tremulousness
- hallucinations (primary visual, sometimes tactile)
polydrug abuse
many users abuse multiple substances
- 85% alcohol abusers also smokers
prevalence of alcohol abuse
alcohol abuse: 17%
Binge drinking: 5 drinks in short period
43.5% among college students
heavy use drinking:
- 5 drinks, 5 or more times in 30 days
- 16% among college students
alcohol use disorder comorbidity
comorbid w borderline and antisocial personality disorders
21.3% w alcohol abuse also have atleast 1 mental disorder
prevalence of alcohol abuse- ethnic differences
white and hispanic more than african americans
also Indigenous people
binge and heavy use drinking lowest among asian americans
short term effects of alcohol
enters bloodstream quickly through small intestine
- metabolized by liver slowly at 1 ounce of 100 proof per hour
effects vary by concentration
- concentration varies by gender, height, weight, liver effeciency, food in stomach
size of drink defined by alcohol content
- 12 oz glass beer = 5 oz glass wine = 1.5 oz of hard liquor
short term effects of alcohol - neural systems (neurotransmitters, cog effects)
once in your blood, interacts w several neural systems
- stimulates GABA receptors
- reduces tension
- increases dopamine and sertonin
- produces pleasurable effects
- inhibits glutamate receptors
- produces cog difficulties (slow thinking, memory loss)
short term effects of large amounts of alcohol
effect of large amounts:
- significant motor impairment
- poor decision making
- poor awareness of errors made
Longterm effects of alcohol
- malnutrition
- cirrhosis of the liver
- damage to endocrine glands
- heart failure
-e erectile dysfunction - hypertension
- stroke
- capillary hemorrhages ( facial swelling and redness especially in nose
- destruction of brain cells (esp. areas important to memory)
malnutrition due to alcohol
- calories from alc lack nutrition
- interferes with digestion and absorption of vitamins
- deficiency of B-complex vitamins cause AMNESTIC SYNDROME
- severe loss of memory (short and longterm)
Cirrhosis of liver - longterm alc effect
- liver cells engorged w fat and protein, impede function
- cells die triggering scar tissue, obstructs blood flow
- liver diseas and cirrhosis rank 12th cause death
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Heavy alcohol intake during pregnancy
- leading cause of intellectual developmental disorder
- fetal growth slowed
-cranial, facial, limb anomalies
total abstinence by pregnant women
Tobacco use disorder
- addicting agent of tobacco
- stimulates dopamine neurons in mesolimbic area
-involved in reinforcing effect
prevalence of tobacco
- about 440,000 americans die prematurely each year
- cigarettes kill 1,100 ppl every day (1 of 6 deaths related to tobacco use)
- more prevalent among white and hispanic youth than PoC
- PoC less likely to quit and more likely to get lung cancer (metabolize it slowly, smoke menthols)
- more prevalent among men than women (except 12-17)
- secondhand smoke (ETS, environmental tobacco smoke)
- higher levels of ammonia, CO2, nicotine, tar
- causes 40,000 deaths per year
health consequences of tobacco
lung cancer most common cancer
- 87% caused by smoking
Cigarettes also cause or exacerbate:
- emphysema, cancer of larynx, esophagus, pancreas, bladder, cervix, stomach, cardiovascular disease
- sudden infant death syndrome and pregnancy complications
- drug derived from dried and ground leaves and stems of female hemp plant (cannibis sativa)
Major active ingrediant: THC (delta-9 tetrahydrocannibinol)
- hashish
- stronger
- produced by drying resin exudate of tops of plant
- in DSM-5, called Cannabis use disorder
Marijuana prevalence
most freq. used illicit drug
- 17,000,000 used in 2010, 22 mil in 2015
- greater use by men than women
- more common among white and indigenous people
- heavier use is US and Australia than europe, africa or canada
Effects of Marijuana - psychological
- relaxation and sociability
- rapid shifts of emotion
- interferes w attention, memory, thinking (decline in IQ over time)
- heavy doses can induce hallucination, panic
- interferes w cog functioning (memory, complex motor skills)
difficult to regulate dosage
- effects take 30 mins to appear
- smoke more than intended waiting for effects
effects of marijuana- physiological
- bloodshot and itchy eyes
- dry mouth and throat
- increased appetite
- reduced pressure w/in eye
- increased blood pressure
- damage to lung structure and function long-term users
Marijuana use- medical, recreational
medical use
- legal in 33 states and district of columbia
- 14 more allow w/ limited THC content
- reduces nausea and loss of appetite caused by chemotherapy
- relieves discomfort of aids, chronic pain
recreational use
- legal in 11 states
- 15 states decriminalized recreational use
Marijuana and the Brain
two cannabinoid brain receptors
- CB1 and CB2
- high concentration in hippocampus (time distortions)
increased blood flow to emotion regions
- amygdala and anterior cingulate
habitual use leads to tolerance
- withdrawal symptoms have been observed