ch10 aerobic endurance training Flashcards
% Vo2 decline with age
average 10% per decade in VO2 max occurs from 25-65
can VO2 max be improved in OA
15-17% inc in women in their 80-90’s after 24-32 weeks of exercise training
benefits of AET in OA
Vo2 max
- improve ability to sustain exercise at a fixed & submax lvl of energy expenditure
- improve functional ability significantly (especially in later advanced years)
energy cost of dressing and undressing
2-3 METs or 7-10.5 ml/kg/min
can represent as much as 50-75% of a frail 80 y/o womens VO2 mx
physiological benefits of AET
helps prevent risk of
- Coronary heart disease
- stroke
- hypertension
- diabetes
(direct effect on these 4)
- osteoporosis
cardiac rehab benefits after heart attack
20-25% lower death rate
frail adults physiological benefits of AET
symptom alleviation
- counter well-known age related changes
- control chronic diseases
- maximize psychological health
- preserve ability to perform ADls
principles of AET: focus on OA
1- specificity & interval training
2- overload
3- func relevance
4- challenge
5- accomodation
precaution with HIIT training for OA
- medical clearance recomended
- establish a base fitness lvl prior to begin HIIT
- be ready to adapt intensity to a preferred challenging lvl
advantages of interval training for OA
- enables OA to work harder for a longer period of time w/ greater comfort
- more realistic to daily energy demands
- works well with varied fitness lvls
continuous training
- > 6 minutes of uninterrupted activity
- usually performed at a constant submax intensity
- more aerobic in nature
- must improve on : aerobic capacity
prior to engaging in an anaerobic exercise
results of interval traning study
- inc exercise intensity
- inc treadmil slope
- inc % peak HR
- inc borg scale
-improve VO2 mx capacity 46% - imprve oxygen cost by 15%
- improve HR by 8bpm
improve QoL
types of interval conditioning
1- spontaneous conditioning (gettign skilled up, feeling fitter)
2- fitness cond (getting trained up)
3- performance cond (getting even fitter)
guidelines for applying the overload principle to aerobic endurance in OA
- inc only one variable at a time
- inc duration before intensity
- increase duration in 1min increments as tolerated
- inc intensity by
*activating the arms
*inc resistance before in speed of activity - allow a min of 2 wks for adaptation prior to inc further overload variables
consideration for overload with OA
- recovery takes longer
- safety margins are narrower
- consequences of overtraining can be greater
- manipulating the intensity is more stresful for OA than manipulating training volume
what is accomodation
the ability to monitor and adpt to the needs of the participant at each exercise session
what has the most bearing on aerobic training volume
frequency & duration
freq & duration recommendations for OA
- 30min of mod exercise on most days of the week
- aerobic exercise in several short sessions (3x10min) or in 1x 30min session = similar cardiovascular gains
disadvantage of HR monitor for measure
- values are estimates
- less reliable in OA
- participants must slow-down to take HR
- self palpation is often inaccurate
- % of HR reserve mat represent a higher than expected % of vo2 max
measuring intensity with borg scale
- self perceived scale of effort
- takes into account
- central HR and breathing
- local muscle fatigue
- can allow participant to continue exercising while still self-monitoring
be careful
- OA tend to ajust their score based on their instructors instructions
- imp to follow RPE scale instruction
MET for ballroom dancing, aerobic dance, skipping, cycling
ballroom: 4-6MET
aerobic dance: 6-9 MET
skipping: 8-12 MET
cycling 16km/h: 5-6MET
FITT principle for AET in OA
Frequency: most days of the wk
INtensity: active RPE 11-13, frail: 9-11 RPE
TIME: 30min
type: large mucle groups
maintain for prolonged time
rhythmical & continous