CH08 A320 Fuel Flashcards
Recall the aircraft’s fuel tank configuration:
▪ One tank in each wing, divided into an
- _____ and
- _____ cell.
▪ A _____ tank located in the _____ of the fuselage.
NOTE: Surge tanks, located _____ of each _____ cell, are _____ displayed on the ECAM _____ page.
Recall the aircraft’s fuel tank configuration:
▪ One tank in each wing, divided into an
- Outer and
- Inner cell.
▪ A Center tank located in the center of the fuselage.
NOTE: Surge tanks, located outboard of each outer cell, are not displayed on the ECAM Fuel page.

Explain normal fuel loading sequence.
▪ Wing Tank ________ cells are filled to capacity, followed by the ________ cells.
▪ Total Wing Tank capacity is ________ lbs. (________ lbs per wing).
▪ Center Tank filled as required once Wing Tanks are _____.
Note: The Center Tank is ________ _____ ________ without first having the wing tanks ________ ___ ________.
Explain normal fuel loading sequence.
▪ Wing Tank OUTER cells are filled to capacity, followed by the INNER cells.
▪ Total Wing Tank capacity is 27,500 lbs. (13,750 lbs per wing).
▪ Center Tank filled as required once Wing Tanks are full.
Note: The Center Tank is normally not filled without first having the wing tanks filled to capacity
What is the maximum fuel imbalance between the wing tank INNER cells?
What is the maximum fuel imbalance between the wing tank INNER cells?
▪ Approximately 3,300 lbs.
Recall the number and location of aircraft fuel pumps.
▪ A total of __ electrically powered fuel pumps.
- __ in each wing tank inner cell
- __ in the center tank
Recall the number and location of aircraft fuel pumps.
▪ A total of 6 electrically powered fuel pumps.
- 2 in each wing tank inner cell
- 2 in the center tank

With fuel in the Center Tank, explain the normal (automatic) fuel feed priority With flaps fully retracted?
Center tank fuel is consumed _____ _____ by _____ tank fuel:
▪ Only the wing tank pumps are equipped with _____ _____.
▪ _____ _____ allow center tank pump pressure to _____ supply the respective engine.
With fuel in the Center Tank, explain the normal (automatic) fuel feed priority With flaps fully retracted?
With flaps fully retracted:
Center tank fuel is consumed FIRST followed by wing tank fuel:
▪ Only the wing tank pumps are equipped with pressure reducers.
▪ Pressure reducers allow center tank pump pressure to preferentially supply the respective engine.
With fuel in the Center Tank, explain the normal (automatic) fuel feed priority With flaps EXTENDED?
center tank pumps ______ ______ ______, per auto logic, allowing ______ tank fuel to be consumed.
With fuel in the Center Tank, explain the normal (automatic) fuel feed priority With flaps EXTENDED?
With flaps EXTENDED:
center tank pumps automatically shut off, per auto logic, allowing wing tank fuel to be consumed.
Recall the function of the L & R TK PUMPS pbs:
TK PUMPS pbs are used to _______ control their respective Wing Tank pumps:
▪ ON (light __) – pump runs _______ until pb is selected ____.
Recall the function of the L & R TK PUMPS pbs:
TK PUMPS pbs are used to manually control their respective Wing Tank pumps:
▪ ON (light out) – pump runs continuously until pb is selected OFF.

Recall the function of the L & R TK PUMPS pbs:
▪ OFF (_____) – pump is _____ and remains ____ until pb is selected.
NOTE: Wing tank pumps___ ___ equipped with _________ logic. Pump operation is commanded by its _____ pb’s and must always be _____ controlled.
Recall the function of the L & R TK PUMPS pbs:
▪ OFF (white) – pump is deactivated and remains off until pb is selected.
NOTE: Wing tank pumps are not equipped with automated logic. Pump operation is commanded by its respective pb’s and must always be manually controlled.

Recall the function of the MODE SEL pb: AUTO
▪ AUTO (light ___) – provided CTR TK PUMP pbs are selected ___ (lights ___), the center tank pumps will be ______ ______ and ______ as required by automated computer logic.
Recall the function of the MODE SEL pb: AUTO
▪ AUTO (light out) – provided CTR TK PUMP pbs are selected ON (lights out), the center tank pumps will be automatically activated and deactivated as required by automated computer logic.

Recall the function of the MODE SEL pb: MAN:
MAN (____) – automatic pump activation/deactivation logic is ____. Center tank pumps must be ____ controlled.
Recall the function of the MODE SEL pb: MAN:
MAN (white) – automatic pump activation/deactivation logic is OFF. Center tank pumps must be manually controlled.

What are the ECAM indications when Center Tank fuel is being consumed?
o ___ __ ____ appears on the____ ____ section.
o On the ECAM ____ page, the center tank pump indications will be ____ green.
NOTE: When the center pumps are commanded off, per computer logic, pump indications will be ____ green lines.
What are the ECAM indications when Center Tank fuel is being consumed?
o CTR TK FEEDG appears on the E/WD memo section.
o On the ECAM FUEL page, the center tank pump indications will be inline green.
NOTE: When the center pumps are commanded off, per computer logic, pump indications will be horizontal green lines.

Recall when the transfer valves will automatically open, allowing outer cell fuel to gravity feed into the respective inner cell.
______ transfer valves ________ open when ______ wing tank ______ cell fuel level reaches approximately:
________ lbs.
Recall when the transfer valves will automatically open, allowing outer cell fuel to gravity feed into the respective inner cell.
Both transfer valves automatically open when either wing tank inner cell fuel level reaches approximately:
1,650 lbs.
What ECAM indications display when transfer valves are open?
▪ Transfer valve indications on the ECAM _____ page appear in the _____ position.
▪ _____ __ _____ _____ (green) appears on the ____ memo section.
NOTE: While the valves are in-transit, they appear as amber _____ lines.
What ECAM indications display when transfer valves are open?
▪ Transfer valve indications on the ECAM FUEL page appear in the horizontal position.
▪ OUTR TK FUEL XFRD (green) appears on the E/WD memo section.
NOTE: While the valves are in-transit, they appear as amber diagonal lines.

When will the F. USED indications reset to zero?
▪ Automatically _____ _______ ______.
When will the F. USED indications reset to zero?
▪ Automatically during engine start.

Recall the location of valve indications on the ECAM FUEL page:
o Crossfeed valve appears directly above the ___ text.
o APU fuel valve appears under the white ___.
o Engine Low Pressure fuel valves appear directly below the engine’s fuel ___ ______ ______.
Recall the location of valve indications on the ECAM FUEL page:
o Crossfeed valve appears directly above the CTR text.
o APU fuel valve appears under the white APU.
o Engine Low Pressure fuel valves appear directly below the engine’s fuel used quantity number.

What is the location of fuel temperature indications on the ECAM FUEL page?
_____ and _____ compartment fuel temperatures are displayed directly _____ the _____ compartment on the ECAM _____ page.
NOTE: Fuel temperature readings are not provided for the _____ tank.
What is the location of fuel temperature indications on the ECAM FUEL page?
Outer and Inner compartment fuel temperatures are displayed directly below the respective compartment on the ECAM FUEL page.
NOTE: Fuel temperature readings are not provided for the center tank.

Recall the controls and indications of the fuel Crossfeed Valve:
o The fuel Crossfeed Valve is controlled with the _-____ pb:
▪ Closed (light ___) – Valve is____
▪ ON (____) – Valve has been commanded ____
▪ OPEN (____) Valve is in the ____ position
Recall the controls and indications of the fuel Crossfeed Valve:
o The fuel Crossfeed Valve is controlled with the X-FEED pb:
▪ Closed (light out) – Valve is closed
▪ ON (white) – Valve has been commanded open
▪ OPEN (green) Valve is in the open position

Recall the controls and indications of the Fuel Crossfeed Valve:
o When the Crossfeed is OPEN:
▪_____ _ _____ (_____) appears on E/WD memo section.
▪ On ECAM FUEL page, the crossfeed valve appears as a _____ in-line (_____).
NOTE: While in-transit, the valve indication appears as an amber circle with a _____ line.
Recall the controls and indications of the Fuel Crossfeed Valve:
o When the Crossfeed is OPEN:
▪ FUEL X FEED (green) appears on E/WD memo section.
▪ On ECAM FUEL page, the crossfeed valve appears as a horizontal in-line (green).
NOTE: While in-transit, the valve indication appears as an amber circle with a diagonal line.

What are the indications of a degraded Fuel Quantity Indication (FQI) system?
_____ _____ _____cover the last two digits of fuel quantity displays of the:
▪ _____ indication on the E/WD. and
▪ The ________ fuel tank quantities on the ECAM _____ page.
What are the indications of a degraded Fuel Quantity Indication (FQI) system?
Amber hash marks cover the last two digits of fuel quantity displays of the:
▪ FOB indication on the E/WD. and
▪ The individual fuel tank quantities on the ECAM FUEL page.

What are the 3 probable causes of an amber half box surrounding the FOB indication on the E/WD?
There are three probable causes, all as the result of ______ fuel:
- Both ______ ______ pumps have ______ (with usable fuel in tank).
- Both ______ ______ pumps have been ______ ______ (with usable fuel in tank).
- A wing tank transfer valve has ______ to ______.
What are the 3 probable causes of an amber half box surrounding the FOB indication on the E/WD?
There are three probable causes, all as the result of trapped fuel:
- Both center tank pumps have failed (with usable fuel in tank).
- Both center tank pumps have been turned off (with usable fuel in tank).
- A wing tank transfer valve has failed to open.

Fuel flow is used to cool the IDG’s oil system.
Fuel flow is used to cool the IDG’s oil system.
With fuel in the right inner wing cell at approximately 1650 lbs, which is true?
A The transfer valves in both wings will open.
B Transfer valve indications appear on the FUEL page.
C The transfer valves in only the right wing will open.
With fuel in the right inner wing cell at approximately 1650 lbs, which is true?
A The transfer valves in both wings will open.
B Transfer valve indications appear on the FUEL page.
C The transfer valves in only the right wing will open.
Which is true about the APU fuel pump?
A The APU fuel pump will not run if the aircraft is powered only by batteries.
B The flight deck indication for the APU fuel pump is on the FUEL page.
C The APU has a dedicated fuel pump that operates automatically if the left fuel manifold is not pressurized and the APU MASTER SW is ON.
Which is true about the APU fuel pump?
A The APU fuel pump will not run if the aircraft is powered only by batteries.
B The flight deck indication for the APU fuel pump is on the FUEL page.
C The APU has a dedicated fuel pump that operates automatically if the left fuel manifold is not pressurized and the APU MASTER SW is ON.
What is the minimum fuel quantity for dispatch?
What is the minimum fuel quantity for dispatch?
8,000 lbs and no WING TK LO LVL ECAM message.