CH - Area maneuvers (Slow flight & Stalls) Flashcards
Slow Flight
i) 2x 90 degree clearing turns
2) PCL idle
3) 150 kts
i) 10-20% T
4) Confirm below 147 kts
i) Landing gear
ii) Flaps as required
iii) Prelanding check
5) 14 AoA - PCL forward
5.1) 15 AOA - PCL 35-45 T
6) Maintain alt and speed
7) Clearing turns
8) Recovery
i) PCL Max
ii) Positive rate climb
iii) Gear Up – Flaps T/O
iv) 110 kts flaps up
v) PTO Check
Landing Attitude Stall
1) Setup
b) PCL idle
c) Confirm less than 147 kts
d) Landing gear
e) Flaps T/O
2) Reduce speed until stall
3) Recover
Final Turn Stall
1) Setup
b) Confirm less than 147 kts
c) Landing gear
d) Flaps T/O
e) 120 kts - Torque 35%
f) Pre-Landing check
2) Stall
3) Recover
High Speed Stall
1) Setup
b) PCL Idle
i) Reduce Airspeed with speed brake
ii) 140 kts retract speed brake
2) Stall
a) Pull
i) If high speed stall in turn, turn first then pull
3) Recover
Generic Stall recovery
Pressure – Release back pressure
Power – Simultaneously add full power
Rudder – Prevent yaw in the event of wing drop
Level – coordinated use of ailerons and rudder
Climb – raise nose to climb attitude and initiate climb
Clean Stall
1) Setup
i) Must recover by 6000 AGL
ii) PCL idle during turns
iii) Ensure board is in before stall
2) Stall
3) Recover
a) Pressure
b) Power
c) Rudder
d) Level
e) Climb
4) Climb confirmed
a) Gear up, flaps T/O
5) 110 kts flaps UP
6) PTO Check