What is the basic premise of Freud’s psychosexual development theory?
Freud believed that emotional problems in adults originated in early childhood relationships and that children have a sexual nature that drives their behaviour.
What are the components of Freud’s personality structure?
Id (pleasure principle, impulsive), Ego (reality principle, mediator), and Superego (morality, suppresses Id)
Describe the oral stage in Freud’s psychosexual development
In the first year of life, gratification comes from oral activities like sucking and eating
What happens during the anal stage according to Freud?
Between 2-3 years, pleasure focuses on defecation
What is the focus during the phallic stage of psychosexual development?
Ages 3-6, children become curious about their own and others’ genitalia
What is the latency stage in Freud’s theory?
Ages 6-12, sexual desires are inactive, a period of emotional and social calm
What is the genital stage in Freud’s theory?
From adolescence onward, sexual energy reasserts directed toward peers
What is the first stage of Erikson’s theory and its main challenge?
Trust vs. Mistrust - Developing trust in other people
What is the challenge in the Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt stage?
Ages 1-3½, achieving a strong sense of autonomy while adjusting to social demands
What does the Initiative vs. Guilt stage involve?
Ages 4-6, developing initiative and standards without being overwhelmed by guilt
What must children achieve in the Industry vs. Inferiority stage?
Between 6 to puberty, mastering cognitive and social skills, working industriously
What is the focus of the Identity vs. Role Confusion stage?
Adolescence, resolving personal identity or facing role confusion
Describe the Intimacy vs. Isolation stage
Early adulthood, forming intimate relationships, typically romantic
What is the challenge in the Generativity vs. Stagnation stage?
Middle adulthood, contributing to the world through work, parenting, or other activities
What is the final stage of Erikson’s theory?
Integrity vs. Despair - Elderly reflecting on life satisfaction
What does Watson’s theory of development emphasize?
Development is determined by the child’s environment and conditioning; parents are responsible for shaping behavior through consistent routines
What are key elements in Skinner’s theory of operant conditioning?
Development influenced by reinforcement and punishment; parental attention as reinforcement; use of time-outs and behaviour modification
What does the Bobo Doll Experiment demonstrate?
Children learn aggressive behavior through observation and imitation, influenced by vicarious reinforcement.
What is the focus of the Social Information Processing theory?
Processing and interpreting social information, often focusing on aggressive behavior and hostile attribution biases.
Describe the Bioecological Model
Consists of Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosystem, Macrosystem, and Chronosystem, each influencing the child’s development over time.