Ch 9 - Internet Law, Social Media, and Privacy Flashcards
unsolicited “junk email” that floods virtual mailboxes with advertisements, solicitation, and other messages
State reg o spam
rq spam senders to instruct recipients on how they can opt out
US safe web act
allows FTC to cooperate and share information with foreign agencies in investigating and prosecuting those involved in Internet frauds and deceptions
provides safe harbor for ISPs, giving immunity from liability for supplying info to FTC concerning possible unfair or deceptive conduct in foreign jurisdictions
Federal can-spam act (6)
commercial electronic mail messages
Preempts state antispam laws except f state laws that prohibit false and deceptive emailing practices
Prohibited: use of false return address;
use of false, misleading, or deceptive information when sending email;
use of “dictionary attacks” = sending messages to randomly generated e-mail addresses;
“harvesting” of email addresses from websites through use of specialized software
organizations that provide access to the Internet
Domain names
part of an internet address
nontangible value of a business
ICANN / Internet Corp for Assigned names
oversees dist o domain names
resitrar companies
charge fee to businesses and indv to register new names and to renew annual registrations, mj~ also buy + sell expired domain names
person registers domain name that is the same as, or confusingly sim to, the trademark of another and then offers to sell the domain name back to the trademark owner
Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act
Mkes cybersquatting illegal when both are true:
- Domain name is identical or confusingly similar to the trademark of another
- The one registering, trafficking in, or using the domain name has a “bad faith intent” to profit from that trademark
registering a name that is a misspelling of a popular brand
Cybersquatting remedies (3)
actual damages + profits/statutory damages
maj~ resolve thr Uniform Domain-Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) b/c allows common law trademark claims and has fewer procedural rq
Uniform Rapid Suspension (URS) system - only used by registered trademark holders w clear-cut infringement claims
meta tags
key words that give Internet browsers specific information about a Web page; can use used to increase likelihood site included in search engine results
- Using another’s trademark in a meta tag wo owners permission normal constitutes trademark infringement
- Unless use - reasonably necessary + X suggest owner authorized/sponsored the use
Copyrights in digital information (general)
whenever a party downloads software or music into a computer’s RAM, without authorization, copyright - infringed
Icnl * who exchnage unquthorizes copies of copyrighted works wo realizing a profit
Digital Millennium Copyright Act
est civil and criminal penalities for anyone who circumvents encryption software or other technological antipiracy protection; prohibits manu, import, sale + distr of devices/services for circumvention
- LIMITS LIABILITY OF INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS - ISP not liable for copyright infringement unless aware of the violation + fails to shut down * after learning of violation
methods of file-sharing
p2p networking - indv in network o numerous computer connected to each other thr the internet can access files stored on other computers
Cloud computing = subscription-based or pay-per-use service that extends a computers software or storage capabilities
social media employer policies
many large corp est specific guidelines on social media use in workplace
electronic communication privacy act
Prohibits intentional interception of any wire, oral, or electronic comm, X intentional disclosure / use of info obtained thr interception
stored communications act (2)
prohibits intentional and unautho access to stored electronic comm and sets forth crim and civil sanctions f violaters, prevents providers of communication services from divulging private comm to certain entities
business’s internal networks, tone is businesslike
How to ID author o online defamation
ISP can disclose personal info abt cust only when ordered by court
(online defamation) liability of ISPs
ISPs X libalible for publsihing defaatory statements
EXCEPTIONS - acts against fed law?
(Internet law) privacy
reasonable expectation of privacy
data collection and cookies
invis files that computers create to track users web browsing activities