ch. 9 Flashcards
New Stone Age; a prehistoric period beginning about 10,000 years ago in which peoples possessed stone-based technologies and depended on domesticated plants and/or animals for subsistence
the middle Stone Age of Europe, Asia and Africa beginning 12,000 years ago
archaic cultures
the term used to refer to mesolithic cultures in the Americas
a small blade of flint or similar stone, when we hafted (sometimes several of them) into a wooden handle would make a tool that was widespread in the mesolithic
Natufian culture
a mesolithic culture from the lands that are now Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and western Syria, between about 10,200 and 12,500 years ago
neolithic revolution
domestication of plants and animals by peoples with stone-based technologies beginning about 10,000 years ago and leading to radical transformations in cultural systems; sometimes referred to as the Neolithic transition.
the cultivation of crops in food gardens, carried out with simple hand tools such as digging sticks and hoes.
breeding and managing of migratory herds of domesticated grazing animals such as goats, sheep, cattle, llamas, and camels
any new idea, method, or device, that gains widespread acceptance in society
primary innovation
the creation, invention, or chance discovery of a completely new idea, method, or device.
secondary innovation
modification of already existing idea, method, device.
an evolutionary process where nearby humans modify, intentionally or unintentionally, the genetic makeup of a population of wild plants or animals, sometimes to the extent that members of the population cannot survive or cannot reproduce without human assistance
cultivation of domesticated root crops such as yams, manioc, and taro together in a single field, generally by planting cuttings instead of seeds
spread of ideas, practices, customs from one culture to another
egalitarian society
a society in which people have about the same rank, and share equally in the basic resources that support income, status, and power
region extending from central Mexico to northern regions of Central America
intensive crop cultivation, employing plows, fertilizer and irrigation