CH. 9 Flashcards


Answers to Assessment in Action Questions


Answers to Assessment in Action Questions
1. Answer: C Scene safety
2. Answer: A Verbal stimuli
3. Answer: B Fever and chills
4. Answer: C Tachycardia
5. Answer: D A negative finding that requires no further care or intervention
6. Answer: C A process that identifies life threats
7. Answer: If you can make the scene safe without endangering yourself or anyone else, do so. If not, retreat to a safe area and call for additional appropriate resources to deal with the hazard(s) that you have identified.
8. Answer: The patient’s blood pressure is 100/60 mm Hg, her pulse rate is 140 beats/min (tachycardia), and respirations are 24 breaths/min. Her skin is hot to the touch and flushed, and she has tenderness in the right lower abdominal quadrant.
9. Answer: The patient has fever, chills, vomiting, and diarrhea.
10. Answer: The SAMPLE mnemonic helps ensure that you remember to ask the pertinent questions about a patient’s condition, even if you are forced to stop your line of questioning to provide treatment, ask more specific questions about a particular issue, or are otherwise interrupted.

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