CH. 31 Flashcards


Answers to Assessment in Action Questions


Answers to Assessment in Action Questions

  1. Answer: C direct blow.
  2. Answer: B point tenderness.
  3. Answer: B dorsalis pedis
  4. Answer: C severe.
  5. Answer: B avoid further neurovascular compromise.
  6. Answer: B Use a scoop stretcher.
  7. Answer: A 5 to 10
  8. Answer: Yes. Even though the patient’s vital signs are stable for now, a fracture of the femur can result in 500 to 1,000 mL of blood loss. The pelvis fracture will also increase the amount of blood loss.
  9. Answer: The patient has sustained pelvic fractures and bilateral femur fractures, all of which can result in significant blood loss. For example, many blood vessels are attached to the pelvis; if they are lacerated, they can cause a considerable blood loss. Additionally, each femur fracture can lead to a blood loss of 500 to 1,000 mL. It is vital that you reassess for signs of shock and treat the patient immediately. Don’t forget to notify the receiving hospital so they can be prepared to resuscitate the patient if necessary.
  10. Answer: While most musculoskeletal injuries are not life threatening, they can lead to long-term disability. As an EMT, you can help reduce the risk or length of long-term disability by preventing further injury, cleaning and dressing open wounds, decreasing the patient’s level of pain by applying ice and/or arranging for the patient to receive pain medication, and making sure the patient is transported to a facility that is capable of treating his or her injuries. Remember, you can influence the future by your actions or inactions in the present.
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