CH. 38 Flashcards


Answers to Assessment in Action Questions


Answers to Assessment in Action Questions

  1. Answer: A Uphill and upwind from the hazard
  2. Answer: C To assess and provide immediate medical care
  3. Answer: A Opening a rear door
  4. Answer: D only after all patients have been triaged.
  5. Answer: C Wait for the power company to tell you the scene is safe before approaching either vehicle.
  6. Answer: B Immediately cease care and leave the scene.
  7. Answer: Extrication equipment, fire suppression, law enforcement, utility companies, HazMat units, advanced life support units, and air transport.
  8. Answer: A hazardous material is any substance that is toxic, poisonous, radioactive, flammable, or explosive and can cause injury or death with exposure.
  9. Answer:
    F – Failure to understand the environment or underestimating it
    A – Additional medical problems not considered
    I – Inadequate rescue skills
    L – Lack of teamwork or experience
    U – Underestimating the logistics of the incident
    R – Rescue versus recovery mode not considered
    E – Equipment not mastered
  10. Answer:
    1. Provide manual stabilization to protect the cervical spine, as needed.
    2. Open the airway.
    3. Provide high-flow oxygen.
    4. Assist or provide for adequate ventilation.
    5. Control any significant external bleeding.
    6. Treat all critical injuries.
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