Ch 8 Summary Flashcards
generally represented the views of one political party
partisan press
served business leaders who were interested in economic issues
commercial press
reported on local events, scandals, police reports, and serialized stories
penny paper
appealed to a mass audience that included lower- and middle-class readers
human-interest stories
crusading for social reform on behalf of the public good
yellow journalism
commercial organizations, such as the Associated Press, that share news stories and information by relaying them around the country and the world, originally via telegraph and now via satellite transmission
wire services
news reports that hunt out and expose corruption, particularly in business and government.
investigative journalism
the ideal for modern journalists;
modern style of journalism that distinguishes factual reports from opinion columns; reporters strive to remain neutral toward the issue or event they cover, searching out competing points of view among the sources for a story
objective journalism
style of journalism in which news reports begin with the most dramatic or newsworthy information—answering who, what, where,and when (and less frequently why or how) questions at the top of the story—and then trail off with less significant details.
inverted-pyramid style
type of journalism that involves analyzing and explaining key issues or events and placing them in a broader historical or social context.
interpretive journalism
news reports that adapt fictional storytelling techniques to nonfictional material; sometimes called new journalism
literary journalism
found in small communities, newspapers that promote social and economic harmony by providing community calendars and meeting notices and carrying articles on local schools, social events, town government, property crimes, and zoning issues.
consensus-oriented journalism
found in metropolitan areas, newspapers that define news primarily as events, issues, or experiences that deviate from social norms; journalists see their role as observers who monitor their city’s institutions and problems.
conflict-oriented journalism
questioned mainstream politics and conventional values by voicing radical opinions
underground press
the space in a paper that isn’t taken up by advertising
commercial outlets or brokers, such as United Features and King Features, that contract with newspapers to provide work from well-known political writers, editorial cartoonists, comic-strip artists, and self-help columnists.
feature syndicates
large company that owns several papers throughout the country.
newspaper chains
n the newspaper industry, an economic arrangement, sanctioned by the government, that permits competing newspapers to operate separate editorial divisions while merging business and production operations.
joint operating agreements (JOAs)
charging their readers for access to online content
a grassroots movement wherein activist amateurs and concerned citizens, not professional journalists, use the Internet and blogs to disseminate news and information.
citizen journalism