Ch 8 Emotion And Motivation Flashcards
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The permissible ways of displaying emotions in a particular society
A four-part process that involves physiological arousal, subjective feelings, cognitive interpretation, and behavior expression - all of which interact, rather than occurring in a linear sequence. Emotions help organisms deal with important events
Lateralization of emotion
Different influences of the two brain hemispheres on various emotions. The left hemisphere influences positive emotions and the right influences negative emotions
James-Lange theory
The proposal that an emotion-provoking stimulus produces a physical response that, in turn, produces an emotion
Cannon-bard theory
The counter-proposal that an emotional feeling and an internal physiological response occur at the same time: One is not the cause of the other. Both believed to be the result of cognitive appraisal of the situation
Two factor theory
The proposal claiming that emotions results from the cognitive appraisal of both physical arousal (factor 1) and an emotion provoking stimulus (factor 2)
Cognitive appraisal theory
Theory of emotion which theorizes that individuals decide on an appropriate emotion following the event
Opponent-process theory
Theory of emotion which theorizes that emotions, which theorizes that emotions have pairs. When one is triggered, the other is suppressed (for example, when we feel happy, sad is the suppressed emotion)
Inverted U function
Describes the relationship between arousal and performance. Both low and high levels of arousal produce lower performance than does a moderate level of arousal
Sensation seekers
In Zuckerman’s theory, individuals who have a biological need for higher levels of stimulation than do other people
Emotional intelligence
The ability to understand and control emotional responses
A device that records or graphs many (“poly”) measures of physical arousal, and blood pressure. A polygraph is often called a lie detector even though it is really an arousal detector
Sexual response cycle
The four-stage sequence of arousal, plateau, orgasm, and resolution
Sexual scripts
Socially learned ways of responding in sexual situations
Approach-approach conflict
A conflict in which one must choose between two equally attractive options
Approach - avoidance conflict
A conflict in which there are both appealing and negative aspects to the decision to be made
Avoidance - avoidance conflict
A conflict in which one has to choose between two equally unattractive options
Multiple approach - avoidance conflict
A conflict in which one must choose between options that have both many attractive and many negative aspects
Sexual orientation
Homo, heter, or bi
a physical and mental response to a challenging or threatening situation
A stressful stimulus, a condition demanding adpatation
Traumatic stressor
A situation that threatens one’s physical safety, arousing feelings of fear, horror, or helplessness
Acute stress
A temporary pattern of stressor - activated arousal with a distinct onset and limited duration
Chronic stress
Continuous stressful arousal persisting over time
General adaptation syndrome (GAS)
Pattern of general physical responses that take essentially the same form in responding to any serious chronic stressor
Alarm reaction
First stage of the GAS, during which the body mobilizes its resources to cope with a stressor
Stage of resistance
Second stage of GAS during which the body adapts to and uses resources to cope with a stressor
Stage of exhaustion
Third stage of the GAS, during which the body depletes its resources in responding to an ongoing stressor
Tend - and - befriend model
Stress response model proposing that females are biologically predisposed to respond to threat by nurturing and protecting offspring and seeking social support
Immune system
Bodily organs and responses that protect the body from foreign substances and threats
Multidisciplinary field that studies the influence of mental states on the immune system
Hormone like chemicals facilitating communication between brain and immune system
Type A
Behavior pattern characterized intense angry, competitive, or perfectionistic responses to challenging situations
Type B
Behavior pattern characterized by relaxed, unstressed approach to life