Ch. 8 Concepts - 3rd conjugation verbs / VOCAB Flashcards
i am doing
you are doing
he/she/it is doing
we are doing
y’all are doing
they are doing
i will do
you will do
he/she/it will do
we will do
y’all will do
they will do
I was doing
you were doing
he/she/it was doing
we were doing
y’all were doing
they were doing
3rd conjugation imperatives
sg. - stem / pl. - stem + te
copia, copiae, f.
abundance, supply / when plural: forces, supplies, troops
frater, fratris, m.
laus, laudis, f.
praise, glory, fame
libertas, libertatis, f.
ratio, rationis, f.
reckoning, account; reason, judgement, consideration; system; manner, method
scriptor, scriptoris, m.
writer, author
soror, sororis, f.
victoria, victoriae, f.
to, up to, near to (+acc)
ex, e
out of, from, from within, by reason of, on acct of (+abl)
nevertheless, still
ageo, agere, agi, actum
to drive, lead to, do, act, pass, spend
gratias agere
to give thanks
disco, discere, didici, -
to learn
doceo, docere, docui, doctum
to teach
duco, ducere, duxi, ductum
to lead; consider, regard; prolong
gero, gerere, gessi, gestum
to carry, carry on, manage, conduct, accomplish, perfomr
scribo, scribere, scripsi, scriptum
to write, compose
traho, trahere, traxi, tractum
to draw, drag, derive
vinco, vincere, vici, victum
to conquer, overcome