Ch 8 Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs Flashcards
The Middle Kindom lasted from __________ to __________ BCE
2000 BCE to 1800 BCE = The Middle Kingdom
Name this monument and where it is located.

The White Chapel located at Karnak
For whom was this monument constructed and why?

The White Chapel was built in honor of the first jubilee celebration (30th year) of Pharaoh Senusret I.
How long did it take to build the Great Pyramid of Giza?
Archeologists believe it only took 20 years to build the Great Pyramid.
Name the Pharaoh we studied who reigned during the Old Kindom of Ancient Egypt
A body that has been preserved after death to keep it from decaying
Which period of Egyptian history was known as the Age of the Pyramids?
The Old Kingdom
Previous Vocabulary: A water plant used to make rope and paper
There were three periods of Ancient Egypt. What were they?
The Old Kingdom
The Middle Kingdom
The New Kingdom
This period was known as the Age of Reunification
The Middle Kingdom
The Old Kingdom lasted from __________ to ___________ BCE.
2700 BCE to 2200 BCE = The Old Kingdom
Name the capital of modern-day Egypt
Approximately how many stone blocks were used to build the Great Pyramid of Giza?
More than 2,000,000 stone blocks
Name the pharaoh(s) we studied who reigned during the Middle Kingdom
Senusret I

Previous Vocabulary: An earthen wall used to keep rivers from flooding
What was an Egyptian sailing boat called?
A Felluca
Define Pyramid.
A huge triangular-shaped monument of Ancient Egypt built around a tomb

Define Ankh
A symbol showing eternal life (immortality) believed to bring the Ancient Egyptians closer to god.

Between the Old Kingdom and Middle Kingdom there were 200 years of this
Disunity or Chaos
Previous Vocabulary: plantlife of an area is it’s ____________
Previous Vocabulary: Surface features of the Earth such as mountains or deserts
Which period was known as Egypt’s Golden Age?
The New Kingdom
This pharaoh signed the world’s first peace treaty with the Hittites
Ramses II
This monument was built for which pharaoh?

The Pharaoh Khufu had the Great Pyramid constructed for his tomb or final resting place.
Previous Vocabulary: The study of the Earth’s physical features
Senusret I’s greatest architectural achievement was this monument
The White Chapel

Archeologists believe that the White Chapel was made of this stone (a.)____________ and possibly covered in a thin layer of (b.)______________.
(a. ) Alabaster
(b. ) Gold
This New Kingdom pharaoh promoted trade with other countries such as the African kingdom of Punt
This Middle Kingdom pharaoh controlled mines filled with gold, copper and gems and lots of jewelry was made during this time
Senusret I
Previous Vocabulary: A Mesopotamian Temple Tower
Name this monument including where it is located.

The Great Pyramid of Giza.
What is an obelisk?
A stone structure with a square base and a pyramid top, typically covered with heiroglyphics

Which temple is shown here?
Where is it located?
For whom was it constructed?
Which kingdom did this pharaoh rule?

The Great Temple of Ramses II
Located at Abu Simbel
Built for Ramses II
Ramses II reigned during the New Kingdom
Where is this temple located?
For whom was his constructed?
During which kingdom did this pharaoh rule?
Name two things this pharaoh is best known for.

This temple is located at Dayr al Bahri and was built for Hatshepsut who ruled during the New Kingdom.
Hatshepsut is known best for her trade expedition to Punt and being the first female pharaoh of Egypt.