Ch 27 Life in Two City-States: Athens & Sparta Flashcards
Athens government was a ________________ because ___________________________
Democracy All citizens (adult men who were born in Athens) had the right to vote in the Assembly. They also could debate the issues and serve on the Council of 500
The government of Sparta was an ___________________ because __________________
the power to make decisions was in the hands of only a few people - the Council of Elders
Define Geography
The physical features of an area
What is an agora?
A marketplace in Ancient Greece
The business of buying, selling, or exchanging items is _____________.
What did Sparta use as currency?
iron bars
Athenian boys went to school from age _____ to _______.
Athenian boys started school at age 6 or 7 and went to school until age 14.
How did Sparta get the goods they needed since they did not rely on trade?
Spartans got the goods they needed by conquering other city-states (stealing) or farming.
Athens had a theater honoring what Greek god?
Dionysus (the god of wine)
How old did you have to be to become a member of the Council of Elders in the Spartan government and how long did you serve on the Council if you were chosen?
60 years or older and council members served for life.
At what age did Athenian men begin military training?
18 years old.
What could women do in Sparta that they couldn’t in Athens?
Spartan women could inherit and own land, get an education, speak to men in public, remarry if their husband was gone too long or lost in war
Who was the patron goddess of Athens?
What were captured people from other city-states called?
Where did the unluckiest slaves work?
In the silver mines
What is the difference between Helots and the Perioikoi?
The Helots were slaves who were treated very harshly and the Perioikoi were free men who were non-citizens of Sparta
Define Economy
a system of managing the wealth of a community or region
What is a lyre?
A stringed instrument played in Ancient Greece
What were some of the activities that were included in a Spartan boy’s education?
gymnastics, wrestling, boxing, racing - mostly physical activities. They were taught to endure pain without complaining and to steal without getting caught.
Athenians bought and sold goods at a marketplace called an ____________
The peninsula forming the southern part of Greece
A system of learning
A person who makes money by selling goods
What would happen to sick or weak babies in Sparta?
they were left on a hillside to die
True or False: Athenian boys had to memorize everything because they didn’t have books for the students
True - books were expensive so students had to memorize all their lessons.
What is a priestess?
A female priest
Explain the difference between the Assembly of Athens and the Assembly of Sparta?
In the Spartan Assembly, citizens could only vote yes or no on the issues but could not debate the issues. In the Athenian Assembly, citizens could debate the issues before they voted. In the Spartan Assembly, even if they voted one way on an issue, the Council of Elders could overturn the rule anyway.
How many citizens needed to be present to vote in the Athenian Assembly?
A member of the most powerful class in Ancient Greek society
A group of citizens in Ancient Greek democracy with the power to pass laws