CH 7 Vitamins Flashcards
Difference between water-sol and fat-sol vitamins?
- water sol are easily absorbed in the small intestine and then pass into the bloodstream, low risk of toxicity, fast develop of deficiencies
- fat sol bile is required for their absorption from the small intestine and can accumulate in the body, deficiencies slower to develop, greater risk of toxicity
what is a coenzyme?
substance that activates an enzyme, in energy metabolism; it also has a role in nerve functioning related to muscle actions
what is pellagra?
niacin deficiency disorder common in southern poor from corn based diet
what are the 3 Ds used for pellagra?
Dermatitis: scaly rash on skin exposed to sun
Dementia: centra nervous system affected and develop deficiencies
Diarrhea: damage to GI tract affects digestion absorption
recommended folate intake for pregnant women?
600ug during pregnancy
500ug during lactation
what’s the deficiency of B12?
older adults at risk and usually a secondary deficiency that can cause anemia and neurological/nueorpsychiatric effects
what’s the vitamins A deficiency?
vision impairment and suppresses immune system
what’s rickets caused by?
a vitamin D deficiency
- Which population is most at risk for a vitamin c deficiency
chronic alcohol and illicit drug users, smokers, older adults
Which vitamin has a distinct fishy odor
What occurs with vitamin D deficiency