Ch 7 Spelling Flashcards
Febri facient
Produce, make fever
Sheet of fibrous tissue which develops body beneath skin, also encloses muscles & groups muscles, & separates several layers or groups
Febri cide
Destroy fever
Ef ferent
Conveying from center to the periphery
Af ferent
Conveying from periphery to center
Fibro cartilage
Any tough and elastic cartilage of which the matrix contains considerable amount of white fibrous tissue
Retro flexion
Backward bending, as of uterus when body is bent back, forming angle with cervix
Per for ated
Pierced with one or more holes
Granuli form
In form of small grains
Re fract
To bend a ray of light
To detect an error of refraction in media of eye & to correct it by means of lenses
Naso front al
Pertain to nasal & frontal bones
Centri fug al
Moving away from center
In fundibulo pelvic
Pertain to infundibulum & pelvis, either of kidney or elewhere
Dys galact ia
Disordered milk secretion
Gangli oma
Tumor of lymphatic ganglion
Gastro colo ptosis
Downward displacement of stomach & colon
Patho gen esis
Development of morbid conditions or of disease
Germi cide
Agent that kills germs
Gest ation
Gland ulus
Abounding in small glands
Neuro glia
Supporting structure of nerve tissue
Glosso pharynge al
Relating to tongue & the pharynx
Glucos uria
Excretion of sugar in urine
Gnath algia
Pain in jaw
Gon arthro tomy
Surgical incision of knee joint