Ch 6 Spelling Flashcards
Di cephalus (noun)
A fetus with two heads
Di cephal ous (adj)
Having two heads
Di ur esis
Increased secretion of urine
Epi didymis
An oblong body attached to the upper part of each testicle
Diplo neur al
Having a double nerve supply
Dis cis sion
A cutting in two, as of a soft cataract
Dors algia
Pain in back
In dur ation
The quality of being hard; the process of hardening
Dys toc ia
Difficult childbirth
Ec lampsia
Coma and convulsions that may develop during or immediately after pregnancy
Ecto gen ic
Develop outside the organism
Tel angi ectasis
Dilatation of small vessels
Pan hyster ectomy
Complete removal of the uterus
Edemat ous
Pertain to or affect by edema
Em phlysis
Any exanthematous disease in which lesions become scabby