Ch 5 Spelling Flashcards
Co arctation
Straightening or pressing together
Com missuro tomy
Incision of joining together of two points (ex. Corner of lips)
Contra ceptive
Against conception
Corp uscle
Any small mass, organ or body
Cortico trophic
Nourish or stimulate effect upon adrenal cortex. Nourish bark, rind
Costo vertebr al
Pertain to rib and vertebra
Cranio plasty
Operative surgery of skull
Creato tox ism
Meat poisoning cond.
Endo crin ology
Study of internal secretions (hormones)
Brachi o crur al
Pertain to arm and leg (thigh)
Cry esthes ia
Abnormal sensitiveness to cold
Crypt orchid ism
Development defect in which testes remain in abdominal cavity
Cunei form
Shape like a wedge
Sub cutane ous
Situated or occurring beneath skin
Cyan osis
Blueness of the skin. Insufficient oxygen of blood
Cysto scopy
Use of cystoscope for examining bladder
Cyto pen ia
Deficiency in cellular elements of the blood
Phago cytosis
Engulfing of micro-organisms and other cells and substance by phagocytes
Dacryo rrhea
Morbid or too profuse flow of tears
Dactylo megaly
Enlarged fingers or toes
De crudescence
Diminution of intensity of syptoms
Deci meter
1/10 of a meter; 3.937 linear inches
Dendro phil ia
Sexual obsession for trees
Dermat itis
Inflam. Of skin
Dermato-auto plasty
Operation of grafting with skin taken from other portion of patients own body
Dextro gastr ia
Displacement of stomach to the right