Ch 4 Spelling Flashcards
Carcino sarc oma
Mixed tumor combine the elements of carcinoma and sarcoma
Cardio rrhaphy
Operation or suture the heart muscle
Cata lepsy
Condition characterized by a waxy rigidity of muscles so patient tends to remain in position put in
Cec ectomy
Surgical removal of a part of the cecum
Hydro cele
Collection of fluid in the tunica vaginalis of the testis
Celi ectasia
Excessive size of abdominal cavity
Centi meter
Hundredth part of meter
Para cente sis
Surgical puncture of a cavity; tapping
Cephalo dynia
Waxlike secretion found within external meatus of the ear; earwax
Cerebro scler osis
Morbid hardening of the substance of the cerebrum
Cervic itis
Inflam. Of the cervix uteri
Cheilo Gnathus
Harelip (jaw)
Chole stasis
Stoppage or suppression of flow of bile
Chondro malac ia
Abnormal softness of cartilages