Ch 3 Spelling Flashcards
An aph ia
Lack or loss of sense of touch
Apo dactyl ic
Without the use, or the touch, of human fingers
Arachn oid
Resemble a spider web
Archi cyte
Fertilized egg cell in the stage in which the nucleus is first discernible
Arterio rrhaphy
Suturing (stitch) of an artery
Arthr em py esis
Suppuration (puss) in a joint
Hypo phon esis
Diminished intensity of the sound in auscultation (listen) or percussion (tapping)
Hypo calc em ia
Reduction of blood calcium below normal
Proct atresia
Imperforate (not) anus
- The portion of external ear not contained within head
- An atrium of the heart
Auto lysis
Destruction of cells of body by its own serum
Bacter em ia
Presence of bacteria in blood
Bin ocul ar
Adapted to use of both eyes
Bil (i) ary
Pertain to bile, to the bile ducts, or to gall bladder
Erythro blast
Red cell in bone marrow
Immature red blood cell
Hemi a bleps ia
Blindness in one half the field of vision in one or both eyes; hemianopsia (without vision)
Blepharo plasty
Plastic surgery of eyelids
Brachi algia
Pain in arm
Brachy cephal ic
Having short head
Brady card ia
Very slow heartbeat
Bronchi ectasis
Chronic dilatation of the bronchi or bronchioles
Cac hex ia
General ill health and malnutrition
Calcare cus
Pertain to or contain limestone, lime, stone
Calc aneus
Heel bone Os calcis (bone heel)
Primary lesion of syphilis