Ch. 7 Normal Procedures Flashcards
What are you looking for in each location?
What are the first four things you look at?
- Chocks - In place, tied down as required.
- Underside of all main rotor blades and tip caps.
- All inlet/exhaust plugs and pitot tube covers removed.
- Sonobuoy launcher safety valve - SAFE.
Head Check
Blade lock pins engaged
Pitch lock pins retracted
Gust lock disengaged
Fuel quantity and readouts - test
1/#2 fuel low cautions appear
Press Fuel test button
Flight and mission displays total fuel quantity decrease to 0 (will show whatever is in the aux)
Master Caution
Release test button fuel quantity returns
Takes Approx. 2 minutes. 28 vdc is interrupted. WCAs and MASTER CAUTION will not respond correctly for approx. 40 sec.
“Fail” will appear for a failed test in the respective location
Successful test indicated by tone (5+/-1 beeps)
Indicator reading 100+/-10 feet for 5 seconds
Yellow tape illuminated to dh setting or 100 feet whichever is lower.
Primary servos check
No allowable flight control movement when checking interlock
1st off - Pitch lock status check: Coll full up, pedals neutral, slow box pattern checking for restrictions (extended pitch lock).
Check for binds and restrictions through full range of motion.
Move Coll from full down to full up in 2 seconds and from full up to full down in 2 seconds. (checking no lateral or longitudinal cyclic feedback is felt or #2 pri servo press caution).
NOTE: Ratcheting of the swashplate uniball is normal only in the full up and top left corner.
2nd OFF- Check for binds and restrictions through full range of motion.
Repeat full up full down.
Boost Servo check
Coll. and pedals - mid position slight right
Move controls through full range of motion.
Note increased forces (except lateral (about half the force))
T/R Servo Check
T/R switch - Backup
Check for binds and restrictions through full range of motion.
AFCS Ground Check
SAS 1 - On, 10s, off (SAS fail advisory should and AFCS DECGRADED should not appear.
SAS 1 - On, Off. No movement in rotor blades.
SAS 2 - On, Off. No movement in rotor blades.
Trim - On, Off. Minimal movement in controls is acceptable
Trim - On. Check Trim
SAS 1, 2, Trim - On
AUTOPILOT - On, Off. No movement in the flight controls.
AUTOPILOT - On. Full range of motion, no binds, restrictions, chatter.
Indicator should read 34 - 42 down.
TEST - Indicator should move 5-12 up from first position. Check tone in all headsets.
STAB PB - On. Tone stops. Moves 34 - 42 down.
Man Slew Up until it stops. 5 - 10 up in 4 - 8s. STAB CAUTION and MASTER CAUTION appear. Tone in all head sets.
Man Slew to 0.
Monitor TGT. If it looks like its going to exceed 851, shut down and perform Abort Start EP.
Note Ng, Press and hold A (no change in Ng). Press and hold B (no change). A and B press simultaneously and immediately release.
Note a decrease in Ng and a return to idle speed.
If engine does not relight. Restart the engine and perform test again. with the engine not being checked at IDLE If it passes the second its good.
If it fails the second MX action is required.
NOTE: return the remaining engine to fly to not droop the head
C-PWR Check
NOTE: Rapid change in TGT may be indicative of an engine control system malfunction.
Confirm normal engine parameters - #1 & #2 C-PWR ON advisories, ECS Shutdown (if operating) and MASTER CAUTION
Rotors Engaged
All Resovoirs Full
AUTO (B/U Pump)
AC Power
WoW Switch
1,2,3 Res LOW
1, 2 T/R, B/U Pump ON
Cycle B/U Pump. Remains on for 90s or until cycled off.
Tail Rotor Servo Check
Slight Left Pedal
1.5 seconds
Cycle B/U Pump. Remains on for 90s or until cycled off.