Ch. 4 - Limits Flashcards
Turbine Gas Temp. (TGT)
000 - 810 Cont. Green
810 - 851 30m Yellow
851 - 878 10m Red
878 - 903 2.5m Red
903 - 949 12s Red
949 Max Red
Power Turbine Speed (Np)
<96 Avoid Red
96 - 105 Cont. Green (Y abv101)
105 - 117 20s Yellow
117 - 120 12s Yellow
120 Max Red
Caution: during engagement, operations in the 20 - 40, 60 - 75% ranges may cause engine damage
Main Rotor Speed (Nr)
<96 Avoid Red
96 - 101 Continuous Green
101 - 120 Precautionary Yellow
120 Max Red
123 Max, FCF only Red
127 Overspeed Latch Red
Dual Engine Torque > 80 KIAS
0 - 106 Cont. Green
106 - 127 10s Yellow
127 Max Red
Note: Dual Engine Torque limits apply when both engines are above 65%
Dual Engine Torque < 80 KIAS
0 - 120 Cont. Green
120 - 144 10s Yellow
144 Max Red
Note: Dual Engine Torque limits apply when both engines are above 65%
Single Engine Torque
0 - 135 Cont. Green
135 - 144 10s Red
144 Max Red
Gas Generator Speed (Ng)
0 - 102.2 Cont. Green
>102.2 - 106 2.5m Yellow
>106 - 107 12s Red
107 Max Red
Transmission Temp (Celsius)
-50 - 105 Cont. Green
105 - 120 Precautionary Yellow
120 Max Red
Transmission Pressure (Psi)
20 Min Red
20 - 30 Idle and Transient Yellow
30 - 65 Cont. Green
(45 - 60 lvl flight)
65 - 130 Precautionary Yellow
130 Max Red
Engine Oil Temp (Celsius)
-50 - 135 Cont. Green
135 - 150 30m Yellow
150 Max Red
Engine Oil Pressure (Psi)
22 Min Red
22 - 26 Precautionary Yellow
26 - 100 Cont. Green
100 - 120 Precautionary Yellow
120 Max Red
Note: Idle range is 22 to 55 Psi
Starter Limitations (Start)
<16 Degrees
1st cycle 60s Rest
2nd cycle 60s Rest
3rd cycle 60s Rest
4th cycle 30m Rest
16 - 52 Degrees
1st cycle 60s Rest
2nd cycle 30m Rest
1. A start cycle is defined as starter initiation, acceleration and dropout.
Starter Limitation (Motor)
Any Temp.
Engaged Disengaged
2m 5m
2m 30m
1. A start cycle is defined as starter initiation, acceleration and dropout.
2. times for motoring are cumulative within a 5 minute period.
APU Limitations
The APU is not intended for routine inflight use. operation of the APU SHALL be limited to essential operations only. Acceptable inflight uses include
1. Emergency Procedures
2. Single Engine Training
3. Practice Autos
4. Powering the ECS in extreme temperature operations
Transmission Oil Temp. Limitations
- During any operating condition, no Mx action is required when in the precautionary range continuously for 5 minutes or less.
- Prolonged hovering in hot Wx 89F (30C). operation in the precautionary range for less than 30 minutes in this condition is acceptable and no mx action is required.
Rotor Engagement/ Disengagement
45 Knots any Direction
180 KIAS
Sideward/ Rearward Flight
35 Knots
100 KIAS
Boost Off
140 KIAS
SAS 1 AND SAS 2 Inop. in IMC
125 KIAS
Either PRI Servo Press Caution
125 KIAS
Searchlight in a fixed position other than stowed
160 KIAS
Searchlight in transition
100 KIAS
45 at or above trail
15 below trail
Cabin door opening or closing
Hovering Limitations
- Prolonged rearward flight or downwind hovering (accumulation of exhaust in the helicopter and damage to widow in open cabin door.
- Hovering turns at in excess of 30 per second
- Dipping ops at other than 70feet (damage to ALFS due to electro static discharge)
- Do not tow transducer >8KGS folded 4 unfolded
(towing defined as cable contacting funnel)
Angle of bank Limitations
- Normal Operations - 45
- Normal Operations above 10,000 DA - 30
- Either Pri Servo Press Caution - 30
- Boost Off Flight - 30
Prohibited Manuvers
- Aerobatic Flight
- Practice full autos
- Intentional approaches into or inducement of retreating blade stall
Rotor Break
Max application IS 76% Nr
Routine stops SHALL between 30 and 50% Nr
Rotor stops SHOULD be limited to 180 Psi to extend service life