Ch. 7. Long term memory Flashcards
Which term describes the impairment of memory for events that occurred after the onset of amnesia?
Anterograde amnesia
What is a widely-used neurocognitive assessment that measures visual memory, auditory memory and working memory?
Wechsler Memory Scale
What refers to the area of experimental psychology concerned with how we learn and remember language-based items such as word lists?
Verbal learning
Which type of memory involves conscious recollection of memories such as events, faces, people and places?
Declarative or explicit memory
Which type of memory is a type of non-declarative memory involving memory for how to perform skills and actions?
procedural memory
What refers to an implicit memory effect whereby pre-exposure to a stimulus affects a subsequent response?
what refers to the strengthening of a false memory through repeated retrieval?
imagination inflation
What allows us to remember to perform certain actions and has been described as the ability to ‘remember to remember’?
prospective memory
What are intentions that have a wider time frame in which they can occur?
What is the ability to monitor and control the content of memory, which gives us the knowledge about what we have stored in memory and how readily it might be accessed?
What involves the long-term retention of content that has been acquired and relearned over a period of time, even if rarely used thereafter?
What is defined as involuntary mental pictures with very detailed sensory impressions of a witnessed event?
What are episodic memories for individually experienced events in a person’s life?
autobiographical memories
What is the term used when someone does something by accident without thinking?
action flip
Most ______ ______ tasks do not require declarative memory processes and performance. Is unimpaired in patients with amnesia.
repetition priming
3 types of non-declarative memories
- Procedural memory
- Habits (probabalistic classification learning… lære sett m ting som ikke lett kan læres)..
- Repetition priming (sett det før.. husker når hint kommer)..
4 types of declarative memory
- Episodic memory
- Prospective memory
- Autobiographic memory
- Semantic memory