Ch. 7 - Career Development Flashcards
Trait & Factor Matchig Theory
-EG Williamson based on knowledge of Frank Parsons
- Relies on tests and assessments to match traits, aptitude, and interests with a given occupation
John Holland’s Personality and Environments Career Typology
- 6 domains (hexagon): RIASEC: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional
- Congruence between job and person is emphasized
Donald Super
- Self-concept and developmental stage theory
- Life span, life-space model
Self-concept and career maturity influences one’s career throughout life span - Life rainbow conceptualizes roles as child, student, leisurite, citizen, worker, spouse, homemaker, parent, and pensioner
Anne Roe
- Early childhood needs-theory
- Vocational choice is related to personality development at young age
- Influenced by Freudian psychoanalytic doctrines and Maslow
- Vocational Interest Inventory (VII) and Career Occupational Preference System use Roe’s fields and taxonomy
- Person or non-person oriented?
John Krumboltz
- Learning theory of career counseling (LTCC)
- A social learning theory
- 4 factors can be used to simplify career development process:
1. Genetic endowment and unique abilities
2. Environmental conditions and life events
3 Learning experiences (Pavlovian, social learning theory, or Skinnerian)
4. Task approach skills (problem solving, cognitive responses, emotional patterns
Ginzberg, Ginsburg, Axelrad, & Herma
- Developmental approach
- Ages 11 and under = fantasy
- 11-17 = tentative
- 17-early adulthood = realistic
- Original hypothesis that career choice was irreversible was later dropped
Mark Savickas
- Career construction postmodern theory
- Worked with Super
- Critical of most traditional theories
- Rooted heavily in narrative therapy
- Intervention looks at recurring themes to re-author the story
Social cognitive counseling theory (SCCT)
- Focuses on how one’s belief system impacts career choice
Linda Gottfredson
- Theory of circumscription
- Phase 1: Rule out certain jobs not acceptable for gender, sterotypes, and social class and compromise
- Phase 2: Change mind, major, etc. if career path is not truly realistic
- A developmental approach taking one’s childhood into account
- Social space refers to the zone or territory of jobs where he or she fits into society
Edgar H Schein
- Eight career anchors theory
- Career anchors manifiest approx. 5-10 years after a person begins work and guide future career choices
- Career anchors are based on self-concept, abilities, etc.
- Originally 5 anchors, but now 8:
1. Autonomy/independence
2. Security/stability
3. Technical/functional competence
4. General managerial competence
5. Entrepreneurial creativity
6. Service/dedication to a cuase
7. Pure challenge
8. Lifestyle
Glass ceiling phenomenon
Lavender ceiling phenomenon
- Women are limited in terms of how far they can advance
- Same as above for LGBTQ+
- Form of occupational sex-role stereotyping
Most high/middle school students want…
Career guidance
Career interests are more stable…
After college
Dual-career families/couples…
Have less leisure time
Trait-factor career counseling
- Assumes individual’s traits can be measured so accurately the choice of occupation is a 1x thing
- Does not focus on development or career maturity
- Testing is important
Frank Parsons
Father of vocational guidance
Pioneers of developmental approaches
Ginzberg et al.
Super, Tiedeman, O’Hara derive from…
Developmental psychology
Anne Roe’s approach
- Personality approach based on premise that a job satisifies an unconscious need / individual’s needs
Edmund Williamson
Minnesota Occupational Rating Scale
Trait-factor vs. Developmental
TF - no individual change across lifespan
Dev - stages across lifespan
Career choice includenced by
- Genetics
- Parent-child interaction
- Unconscious motivators
- Current needs
- Interests
- Education
- Intelligence
Roe’s 2-dimensional system:
- Fields and levels
- 8 fields: service, business, contact, organizations, technology, outdoor, science, general culture, arts/entertainment
- 6 levels: professional and managerial 1, P&M 2, semi-professional/small business, skilled, semi-skilled, unskilled
Roe’s 3 parenting styles:
Some support for Roe’s theory comes from…
- Rorschach & Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
- Career choices could be used to solve unconscious conflicts
- Psychodynamic
- Unconscious mind
- Sublimation = expresses an unacceptable need in a socially acceptable manner
(i.e., a football player cecause enjoys hurting people or a butcher because they enjoy cutting things)
Most popular career theory today:
Holland’s 6 personality types
Robert Hoppock’s theory
- Personality approach based on Henry Murray
- Needs-press theory and TAT
- Occupation is used to meet a person’s need currently
Super’s 5-stage theory
- Growth
- Exploration
- Establishment
- Maintenance
- Decline
Career maturity is associated with…
John Crites
Decision-making theory
- Tiedman and O’hara
- Periods of anticipation and implementation
- Individual has power to choose from various careers
- Based on Erikson’s psychosocial stages
Role of modeling associated with…
- Bandura
- learn from consequences of self and watching others
Krumboltz’s social learning approach to career choice is based on Bandura
Nancy Schlossberg
- Focused on adult career development
- 5 factors:
1. behavior in the adult years is primarily determined by social rather than biological factors
2. behavior can either be a function of one’s life stage or one’s age at other times
3. sex differences are actually more powerful than age or stage differeneces
4. adults continually experience transitions which require adaptation and self-assessment
5. identity, intimacy, and generativity are recurring themes in adulthood
Beavioral techniques for jobs
- Realistic job preview (RJP)
- Guided imagery
Gelatt Decision Model
- Harry Gelatt
- Info can be organized into 3 systems: predictive, value, decision
- info is the fuel of the decision
Linda Gottfredson’s dvelopmental theory
- focuses on circumscription and compromise theory
- Circumscription: Restrict choices
- Compromise theory: Sacrifies field of work before sacrifie sex-typed behavior/prestige
Occupational Outlook Handbook (trends)
Dictionary of occupational titles ~20,000 jobs at zenith
- utilizes a 9 digit code
- now, O’Net lists far fewer jobs
Self-efficacy theory
- Bandura
- One’s belief or expectation of being successul in an occupation causes gravitation to that occupation
Compensatory effect =
Excelling in other areas due to hating job / not doing well at work
Recency effect =
Rater’s judgment of an employee reflects primarily most recent performance
Leniency/Strictness bias
Rater tends to give very high or very low ratings, avoiding the middle
Central tendency bias
Rater tends to give mediocre or middle ratings avoiding the extremes
National vocational guidance association
- later became american personnel and guidance association (1952)
- then american association for counseling and development (1983)
- then ACA (1992)
Kuder Career Planning System
- for K-12, postsecondary, and adults
Dual career families earn…
- more than dual earner families
- Advancement is possible
Aptitude test =
- speculates about whether or not you could capture these skills with proper training/experience
- measures potential
Achievement test =
- measures adeptness of a skill
Job analysis:
- procedure, tasks, etc. are examined
- leads to job description
Job evaluation:
- Rates value of job within an organization for pay
- leads to job pay
Re-entry person
- Working within the home to outside of the home
- Increased indecision
In-basket technique
- Job simulation exercise where one is monitored in how they deal with the tasks
Job clubs
- Azrin et al
- behavioristic vocational rehab
- recommended for disability
Selective placement philosophy
- Counselor gives client job leads and takes an active stance
- Vocational rehab uses selective placement