Ch 7 Flashcards
An interpretation of utilitarianism which asks whether in the way particular situation if a given course of action will produce the greatest good for the greatest number
Act utilitarianism
The thesis that one ought to act for the sake of the interests of others
Intellectual independence and freedom from authority. Moral ///// is the ability of every rational person to reach his or her own moral conclusion about what is right and wrong (this does not mean that they will therefore come to different conclusions)
In Jane’s philosophy, a moral law, a command that is u qualified and not dependent on any conditions or qualifications. In particular that rule that tells us to act in such a way that we would want everyone else to act
Categorical imperative
To form a binding obligation voluntarily
A sense of feeling about what is right and wrong usually without argument
An ethical theory that the morality of an action depends on its consequences
According to Aristotle the happiest life the life of thought and philosophy
The descriptive anthropological thesis that different socitites have different moralities. It is important to stress that these moralities must be fundamentally different not only different in details
Cultural relativism
Ethics based on duty (Greek dein) Kent’s ethic is \\ in that it stresses obedience to principle of ether than attention to consequences
What one is morally bound to do
The thesis that people act for their own interests
The thesis that there is only and only one correct morality
Ethical absolutism
The thesis that people ought to act in their own interests
Ethical egoism
The thesis that different moralities should be considered equally correct even if they directly contradict each other
Ethical relativism
A system of general moral principles and a conception of morality and its foundation or the study of moral principles
Aristotles word for happiness or more literally “living well”
The modern movement in philosophy that puts great emphasis on individual choice and the voluntary acceptance of all values.