Ch 5 Flashcards
Sartre’s characterization of a persons refusal to accept himself or herself. This sometimes means not accepting the facts that are true about you. More often it means accepting the facts about you as conclusive about your identities as in the statement “oh I couldn’t do that, I’mtoo shy”
Bad faith
The uninterrupted identifabiljty of an object over time jn the same location or in a sequence of tangent locations
Continuity (spatiotemporal continuity)
The test or standard according to which a judgment or an evaluation can be made
Freud‘s way of referring to the fact that your ideas, desires, memories and experiences in our minds to which we do not have access about which we may be wrong and that may be more evident to other people than to ourselves. We also distinguished a pre-conscious preconscious ideas can be made conscious simply by being attended to. For example, you know what the capital of California is but you weren’t conscious of it before I mentioned it it was pre-conscious. Unconscious ideas can’t be made conscious
Sartres term (borrowed from Heidegger) for the totality of facts that is true of a person at any given time
A persons projection into the future, their ambitions, plans, intentions, hopes, and fantasies
Transcendence (in Sartre )
The modern philosophy, movement great emphasis on individual choice, and the voluntary acceptance of all values.
The way you characterize yourself, either in general as a human being as a man or a woman as a creature before God was one among many animals, or in particular, as the person who can run the fastest mile as an all c student who is the worst, dressed slob in your class this on this characterization requires self consciousness. This is of a person in other words is not nearly the same as the thing.
Self identity
All those characteristics of a person that can be discovered through experience in that distinguish, each of us, from other persons, qualitatively, that which makes each of us a particular man or woman, and give us a particular character
Empirical ego
Being aware of oneself, whether being as others, see you looking in the mirror, or watching yourself, play a role at a party, or just looking into yourself, as when you reflect on your goals in life, or wonder in a moment of philosophical perversity, whether you really exist or not you spell consciousness requires having some concept of yourself therefore, it is logically tight questions of self identity
Self consciousness
Having the same features
In general the distinction between mind and body as separate substances or very different types of states and events with radically different properties
The bare logical fact of one’s own self consciousness: Descartes I think; the self “behind” all of our experiences; the mental activity that unifies our various thoughts and sensations (the term comes from Kanye critique of pure reason)
Transcendental ego