Ch 6.2 Evidence-Informed Practice Flashcards
Moral distress
nurses are unable to act according to their moral judgments
Moral integrity
doing the right thing when no one else is watching
Moral residue
moral values have been violating, you have a moral wound, you had to work against your values.
if a ruling has previously been made, it must be followed
Statute law
Federal, provincial, and territorial statutes
Created by elective legislative bodies (Parliament, provincial/territorial legislatures)
Standards of Care
Legal guidelines for nursing practice
Establish an expectation of nurses to provide safe and appropriate patient care
Professional Regulation
Provincial/territorial legislation grants authority to a nursing regulatory body
Regulatory body is accountable to the public for ensuring safe, competent, and ethical nursing care
A civil wrong committed against a person or property
Intentional torts
Willful acts that violate a person’s rights
physical or verbal threat
intentional physical contact without consent
Invasion of privacy
unwanted intrusion into private affairs, release of confidential information, computers and confidentiality, social media
False imprisonment
loss of individual liberty and basic rights
- Unintentional torts
- Not using aspectic techniques, counting erros, spilling hot liquid to creat burns, not notifying a doc of significant things, not reporting plebitits,
- Preventing negligence with communication and documentation
- may have criminal liability
Informed Consent
- The person must have the legal and mental capacity to make a treatment decision.
- The consent must be given voluntarily without coercion.
- The person must understand the risks and benefits of the procedure or treatment, the risks of not undergoing the procedure or treatment, and any available alternatives.
Malpractice insurance
- may be carried by facility
- Not applicable to employee working outside normal scope of employment
- Provides a defence when a nurse is in a lawsuit involving negligence or malpractice insurance
Short staffing:
Can cause legal problems to occur because of inadequate number of nurses to provide care:
if you walk out you are seen as abandoning care.
If you fill out heavy workload form and something happens on the shift it puts the onus on the facility
Based on census load and acuteness of patients’ conditions
Physician’s orders
Must be followed unless nurse believes an order is in error, violates agency policy, or is harmful to patients
Before 1988 a women needed to get consent by hospital committee. Right now abortion is unregulated by law.
Problems with accessibility
Unreasonable burden
whenever your ability to provide safe care is compromised (lack of resources, etc)
Death in Manitoba
Irreversible cessation of all brain function
administering the substances that causes death
Assisted suicide
prescribing the substance that causes death but they take it themselves
Advance directive
a mechanism enabling a mentally competent person to plan for a time when mental capacity is lost
Risk Management
A system of ensuring appropriate nursing care by identifying potential hazards and preventing harm from occurring