Ch. 6.1-6.2 Mendel, Monohybrid Cross Flashcards
What is heredity in Mendel theory?
Tranfer of traits from parents to offspring
What is heretable feature called in Mendel theory?
Trait or phenotype
What is genotype in Mendel theory?
Alleles that humans have as they have 23 homologous pairs
What did Mendel study about pea plants phenotypes
That he discover pea plant phenotypes are such as purple flower or white flower, yellow seeds or green seeds, wrinkled seeds or round seeds, and tall or short plants
What is homozygous in Mendel theory?
True breeding, the alleles for some traits are same
What is heterozygous in Mendel theory?
Alleles for a trait are different
What is dominant trait in Mendel theory?
Trait expressed in f1 generation
What is recessive trait in Mendel theory?
Trait not expressed in f1 generation
What is the consistent proportion that Mendel found in f2 generation table?
The proportion was very close to 3:1 (dominant:recessive)
What did mendel found regarding phenotype and genotype ratio?
Phenotype was 3:1 (dominant:recessive, purple:white)
Genotype was 1:2:1 (homozygous dominant : heterozygous : homozygous recessive)
What is punnett squares?
List of possible gametes one individual on side of squares and other individual on the other side of squares
If two pea plants are heterozygous for flower colour
1. What colour would they be?
Purple (since one of them is dominant)
If two pea plants are heterozygous for flower colour
2. what are the possible gametes they could form?
P or p
If two pea plants are heterozygous for flower colour
3. what are the possible offspring they could produce?
PP, Pp, pp
If two pea plants are heterozygous for flower colour
4.what is the probability that those pea plants would have
offspring with white flowers?
25% (PP, pP, pP, pp)
What is Testcross that Mendel devised?
Testcross is to determine the genotype of unknown individuals in f2 generation; If offspring express the dominant, the unknown is homozygous, and if offspring expess the recessive, the unknown is heterozygous