Ch. 24.1 Bacteria Flashcards
What does normal flora of bacteria regulate?
Regulate the immune system to tolerate food molecules
What does normal flora of bacteria prevent?
Prevent growth of harmful bacteria
What does normal flora of bacteria produce?
Produce vitamins K and B
What does normal flora of bacteria increase?
Increase growth of intestinal cells and help maintain a healthy mucosal layer
When does normal flora of bacteria produce lactic acid and what is lactic acid?
Produce lactic acid during fermentation, lactic acid lowers pH and prevents growth of pathogenic species
What does normal flora of bacteria convert?
Convert carbohydrates into short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) that can be absorbed and used for energy
What is short-chain fatty acids (SCFA)?
SCFA are used by the brain and regulate brain function
What does normal flora of bacteria release?
Release important minerals from food, such as magnesium, calcium, zinc, and iron
What can normal flora of bacteria metabolize?
Normal flora can metabolize carcinogens that have healthy intestinal bacteria playing a role in preventing colon, breast, and prostate cancers
What is capsule for bacteria?
Protein layer outside the cell wall and membrane
What is flagella for bacteria?
Long, threadlike outgrowths that are used in movement of bacteria
What is pili for bacteria?
Shorter outgrowths that are helping cells to exchange DNA
How does gram positive of bacteria look like?
Gram positive of bacteria has plasma membrane that is encased within cell wall of peptidoglycan
How does gram negative of bacteria look like?
Gram negative of bacteria has plasma mebrane encased within thin peptidoglycan and peptidoglycan is covered by lipopolysaccharide
What does gram negative resistant to?
Gram negative are resistant to penicillin
What is endospore?
Endospore is thick-walled structure for some bacteria that is highly resistant to environmental stress and can be dormant for months or years
In what condition does bacteria form endospore?
Some bacteria form endospore in the harsh conditions
What is antibiotic resistance?
Antibiotic resistance is the ability of a bacterium to withstand the effects of an antibiotic
What is multi-resistance or superbug?
When a bacterium carries several resistance genes
When does antibiotic resistance occur for bacteria?
Resistance most commonly occurs because of prophylactic treatment of humans and farm animals with antibiotics
What is the process of antibiotic resistance?
- Enzymes break down antibiotics.
- An antibiotic may be modified so it is harmless to a bacterium.
- Membrane proteins can adapt to excrete an antibiotic.
- DNA mutations (natural selection)
What is opportunistic infection?
Organisms that cause infection only when a person’s immune system is suppressed or when their normal flora is damaged (e.g., after antibiotic treatment), are considered opportunistic
What organisms can cause opportunistic infection?
bacteria, viruses, fungus, or parasites
In which situations opportunistic infection can occur?
Suppressed immune system, Altered normal flora, Malnutrition, Cancer patients on chemotherapy or radiation, Immunosuppression medication, Immunodeficiency, such as in people with HIV, Damaged skin barrier
What is pathogenic bacteria?
bacteria that can cause disease
Explain MRSA of pathogenic bacteria
Infected on skin, wounds, bloods: Staphylococcuus overgrows in immunosuppressed people
Explain VRE of pathogenic bacteria
Infected on small intestine and urinary tract: Diarrhea infection associated with people taking antibiotics and killing normal flora
Explain Chlamydia trachomatis of pathogenic bacteria
Infected on genitals and eyes: Sexually transmitted infection which is silent causing serious infection in women
Explain Neisseria gonorrhoeae of pathogenic bacteria
Infected on genitals, mouth, and throat: causing symptoms in men, burning sensation when urinating, and discharge no symptoms in women
Explain Streptococcus pyogenes of pathogenic bacteria
Infected on the throat mostly but can infect skin as well: Caused by overgrowth strains of strep bacteria caused by stress mostly; Vey sore and red throat
Explain Escherichia coli of pathogenic bacteria
Infected on Gastrointestinal tract: E.Coli is normal flora that is in large intestine of animals, if eaten it cause food poisoning usually happens because of eating uncooked beef or pork
Explain Salmonella of pathogenic bacteria
Infected on Gastrointestinal tract: Salmonella can cause food poisoning if ingested large amounts but does not require treatment usually except for children
Explain campylobacter jejuni of pathogenic bacteria
Infected on Gastrointestinal tract: Causes food poisoning in developed countries after eating contaminated food or water also called traveller’s diarrhea
Explain mycobacterium tuberculosis of pathogenic bacteria
Infected on respiratory system:Transmitted through airborned particles killing 50 % of people with infection, 90% of people do not have symptoms, symptoms include blood coughing, fever, and weight loss
Explain Clostridium tetani of pathogenic bacteria
Infected on central nervous system: Caused by toxin by bacteria that block inhibitory neurotransmitters therefore cause continuous muscle contraction