Ch. 6: Responsibility Flashcards
Curious examples
A group leader has a “can’t” bell which he rings whenever a patient in his group says “I can’t”. The patient is asked to recant and then to restate the phrase as “I won’t”.
“I cannot decide what to do, I can’t bring myself to end the relationship, but I pray that I could catch him in bed with another woman so that I would be able to leave him.”
Therapist asks clients: “Not ‘I have a mind that skips,” but “when I get hurt and feel like crying, I defend myself by being confused.”
Sexually compulsive man after he didn’t find a woman for the night: “Thank God, now I can read and get a good night’s sleep, which is what I really wanted to do all along.”
The therapist asks the client: “Whose unconscious is it?”
Philosopher vs Clinician
To the philosopher, freedom has broad personal, social, moral and political implications. The debate about freedom and causality hasn’t ceased for 2000 years:
- first, people believed in divine providence;
- later in scientific causality;
- still later in the Hegelian view of history as a meaningful progression or in
- Marx’s or Freud’s determinism.
For the clinician, only two are relevant in everyday practice:
- The individual’s freedom to create his or her own life
- The freedom to desire, to choose, to act, and - most importantly to psychotherapy - to change.
Definition of Responsibility
in the mental health field = patient’s capability for rational conduct as well as to the therapist’s moral commitment to the patient.
Sartre: “To be responsible is to be the uncontested author of an event or a thing.”
It’s being aware of creating one’s own self, destiny, life predicament, feelings and, if such be the case, one’s own suffering. For the patient who denies such responsibility, who persists in blaming others, no real therapy is possible.
Yalom snorkeling
Husserl’s noema
At the deepest level, responsibility accounts for existence. Yalom had an experience while snorkeling when he looked at the beautiful fish, the blueness of the water, and felt the coziness of the water. Suddenly he realized that the beautiful fish don’t know they are beautiful, the water doesn’t know it’s blue and cozy - all of these Yalom had created in his own mind.
In Husserl’s terms Yalom’s noema (“meaning”) had exploded and he had become aware of his constitutive function
Sartre & chestnut
Heidegger’s dasein
Sartre also talks through a protagonist about looking at the root of a chestnut tree in a park and experiencing everything around him - the root, the park gates, the bench, the sparse grass - losing their individuality; their individual appearance vanished into a monstrous mass in disorder. “‘This is a root’ - it didn’t work any more.”
The knowledge of his true “situation” crashes in on him as he discovers his responsibility for the world. The world acquired significance only through the way it is constituted by the human being - in Sartre’s terms “for-itself”.
The individual is not only free, but also doomed to freedom.
Kant: “Space itself is not something objective and real but something subjective and ideal; it is, as it were, a schema issuing by a constant law from the nature of the mind for the coordinating of all outer sensa whatever.”
Heidegger referred to the individual as dasein to emphasize the dual nature of human existence: the individual is “there” (da) but they also constitute what is there (sein). It is an empirical, objective ego; and a transcendental ego which constitutes, i.e. is responsible for, the world.
Yalom and Freedom
Mass starvation
Yalom: “Freedom extends beyond being responsible for the world (imbuing the world with significance): one is also entirely responsible for one’s life, not only for one’s actions but for one’s failures to act.”
Yalom says that whereas there is mass starvation on the other side of the world and he feels he can do little to affect the situation, Sartre would point out that he chooses to keep himself uninformed. IMPORTANT: Sartre does not say that we should be doing something different, but that what we do do is our responsibility.
Constituting is frightening
Sartre on man’s project
To constitute oneself and one’s world is (can be) a deeply frightening insight: there are no rules, no ethical systems, no values; no external referent whatsoever, there is no grand design in the universe. Sartre: “man is the being whose project is to be god”.
Response to groundlessness
Fromm in Escape of Freedom
Heidegger and Sartre on appearances
Empirical world
This leads us to groundlessness.
- Aka “ur-anxiety”, perceived by some thinkers as the most fundamental anxiety.
- “My death” is the most scary one because with it the meaning giver and spectator of the world dies too, and is truly confronted with nothingness.
- It ties to loneliness as well, not only being socially lonely, but also separate from the world, as one experiences it, as well. “The responsibility of the ‘for-itself’ (the individual consciousness) is overwhelming, since it is thanks to the ‘for-itself’ that it happens there is a world.”
We respond to groundlessness as with anxiety: we seek relief.
- As with death we avoid it, we avoid making decisions, isolation, autonomous action to avoid awareness of fundamental groundlessness
Fromm in Escape of Freedom reminds as that even a tyrant is better than no leader at all
- Thus, children are upset by freedom and demand limit setting; and panicky psychotics do the same.
The most powerful defense might be reality as it is experienced - that is, the appearance of things.
- Heidegger and Sartre suggest that appearances serve denial: we constitute the world in such a way that it appears independent of our constitution. To constitute the world as an empirical world means to constitute something as independent of ourselves.
California culture
Yalom’s friend, an art critic, characterized the new California culture by describing an incident that occured on his first visit to Southern California. He stopped at a fast-food joint and was given a small plastic container of ketchup. Elsewhere these containers have a dotted line and the notation “tear here”. The California one had no dotted lines, only the inscription “tear anywhere”.
The picture of psychopathology has changed accordingly. (PS! California was at that time, and probably still is, the birthplace of new psychotherapeutic methods.)
Today’s patient
What are the words used?
How does this relate to existential facts?
Today’s patient has to cope more with freedom than with suppressed drives. Not about a push from within about what one has to do, or from without about what one ought to do. It’s a struggle about choice: with what he or she wants to do.
The word “cure” is gone, now it’s about “growth” or “progress”.
In some sense we are closer than ever to experiencing the existential facts of life, but we are unprepared: it is too much to bear, anxiety clamors for a release, and both individually and socially we engage in a frenetic search to shield ourselves from freedom.
Instead of freedom, creating a psychic world in which one exists under the sway of some irresistible ego-alien (“not me”) force. It’s a defense.
The guy Bernarnd who was revealed that he didn’t have to have sex with women that night: “I didn’t know that it was what I really wanted until I felt the wave of relief that came over me when the last woman refused me.”
“Little sex” patient
Paranoid patients
Somatic patients
Bernard also shifted his responsibility to Yalom. Yalom pointed it out that he “dumped” his problems in his laps, after it was clear that Bernard didn’t process his thoughts and his sessions in between sessions (“The sessions would lose spontaneity if I would do that.”)
- Also he drove 50 miles to see Yalom every time, with no problems, but when he had to take 20 minutes a day to an exercise where he reflects on himself, he said he doesn’t have the time.
Another patient complained about little sex with his wife, but didn’t want to accept that he is actually free in his sexual matters. That he could leave his wife, but just the mere consideration of this idea was enough for paroxysms of anxiety.
- He appointed his sexual problems to a number of outer factors: wife’s lack of sexual interest, her disinclination to change, squeaky bedsprings so kids would hear (but he wouldn’t get a new bed either), his own aging, his unresolved problems with his mom (served as an apologia for responsibility avoidance)
Paranoid patients do it too - they project their fears to outer influence.
Somatic patients, even when they recognize the psychological substrate to their somatic distress, employ externalizations by attributing their dysphoria to “bad nerves” or adverse work conditions.
Individuals who deny responsibility by experiencing themselves as innocent victims of events they often themselves unwittingly set into motion.
Clarissa, a 40 year old psychotherapist, joined a therapy group after having stopped with a lengthy analysis. After several months in the group he announced that he had re-entered analysis, yet her analyst, who strongly disapproved of group therapy, interpreted her membership in the therapy group as “acting out”. Clarissa suggested that Yalom talk to the analyst, but the analyst completely refused to converse. Other group members became punitive in their comments, saying that Clarissa is “playing dumb” and Clarissa felt that she was a victim once again, forced to leave the group because of “circumstances beyond her control”.
- Yalom: “She came to therapy because of problems establishing intimate relationships. Problem was that she was never with a person. While next to group members, she was with me. While with me, she was with her analyst. While with analyst, she was with her father (who had in her childhood been brutal, punitive, and rejecting of her).”
Some patients are temporarily “out of mind”. It is important to note that the “losing control” is by no means disorderly: it is purposeful and offers pay-offs as well as an opportunity to avoid responsibility.
The “Whose unconscious is it?” question was asked by a woman who was brutalized and rejected by an insensitive, sadistic lover, “lost control” and “by going crazy” radically changed the balance of control in the relationship. She followed him around for weeks, broke into and vandalized his apartment, threw dishes while he was dining with friends. Eventually, he panicked, sought protection from the police, and required emergency psychiatric care. Her goal accomplished, she - mirabile dictu - regained control and was rational from thereon.
PS! Some patients want nurturance so much (often from their therapist) that they “lose control” even to the point of requiring hospitalization.
Some know what they have to do but refuse to take that step. Paul was in NY work for three days for job interviews, but felt lonely each night. He had many friends there, and waited for them to get in touch with him, although he hadn’t let them know he was there. He couldn’t pick up the phone himself, because “no energy, “too humiliated to ask for company”, “they’d feel I only call when I need them.”
Responsibility Assumption and Psychotherapy (The first step)
The first step for the therapist is not a technique, but an attitude: continually operating within the frame of reference that a patient has created his or her own distress.
If one continues to believe that distress is caused by others, by bad luck etc. - why invest energy in personal change?
In the face of such a belief system, the obvious strategy is not therapeutic but activist: to change one’s environment.
The first task is to identify instances and methods of avoiding responsibility and to make them known.
- Ringing the “can’t bell” and asking to change to “will not”
- “Whose unconscious is it?”
- Saying: “Not ‘he bugs me’ but ‘I let him bug me.’”
Vera Gatch’s and Maurice Temerlin’s examples of confrontative interventions (4)
Vera Gatch and Maurice Temerlin studied audiotapes of therapy sessions and shared examples of confrontative interventions designed to enhance responsibility awareness:
- When one man complained bitterly and passively that his wife doesn’t want to have sex with him, the therapist clarified the implicit choice: “You must like her that way, you’ve been married to her a long time.”
- Housewife: “I cannot manage my child, all he does is sit and watch TV all day.” Therapist: “And you’re too little and helpless to turn off the TV.”
- Obsessional man: “Stop me, I’m afraid I’m going to kill myself!” Therapist: “I should stop you? If you really want to kill yourself - to actually die - no one can stop you - except you.”
- With a man who felt life held nothing for him because he suffered from the unrequited love of an older woman, a therapist began singing “Poor little lamb that has lost its way.”
Quicksand of demonstrating responsibility
Demonstrating responsibility to a patient can wander into quicksand. “This is all very well, but he - sitting here in his office - doesn’t know what it’s like in the business world/how overwhelming my compulsion is/what an impossible boss I have). This is a limitless resistance, because the patient is not an objective observer of their own life.
Solution: to work with first-hand data, i.e. what happens in the sessions.
Demonstrating responsibility:
48-year-old woman
Doris provides an illustration.
- Problem: anxiety with men - she had time and time again ended up with abusive men
- Her father was abusive, her first husband, current husband, and a string of employees
- Yalom: “I was inclined to empathize with Doris for having had the bad luck to endlessly be thrown into the clutches of tyrannical bastards.”
- After several months in group therapy, she had an anxiety storm and called for an emergency individual meeting the next day. Yalom reorganized the schedule with difficulty, but 20 minutes before the session, Doris cancelled.
- In the group a few days later, Yalom asked: “Why did you cancel?” Doris: “Since your rule was that you won’t see an individual member outside of the group more than only for one hour during the entire course of therapy.” No other members (7) had heard that rule, but Doris was convinced.
- Yalom describes also her remembering a small negative comment, but never remembering a string of positive comments.
- Yalom: “Doris’s interaction with me in the microcosm of here-and-now was representative of her relationship with men and illuminated her responsibility in her life situation.” She saw all men as authoritarian and uncaring.
- This was crucial to work with as it had far-reaching consequences to her basic problem. Yalom to Doris: “Doris, I believe what just happened between you and me is exceedingly important because it gives us a valuable clue to some of the problems that exist between you and men in your life.”
- Repeat this when patient doesn’t take it at first
Another patient, 48 year old woman who said that her children don’t take her seriously.
- Yalom looked at his own feelings about the woman and noticed that he perceives her as having a whining quality in her voice which tempted me not to take her seriously and to treat her as a child. “Sharing my feelings was enormously useful to her: it helped her become aware of her childlike behavior in many areas.”
- They treated her exactly as she asked to be treated (nonverbally through whining).
What to say when therapist feels heavily burdened?
Responses of the client
A therapist who feels heavily burdened by the patient:
- “I feel you are putting everything on my lap”
- “I don’t have a sense of you actively collaborating with me”
- “Why do you come?”
Often response is feigning helplessness
- “I don’t know”
- “Tell me what I have to do”
Important!: they tell you they don’t know what to do, but they don’t disclose their feelings, they don’t write down their dreams (or do other exercises), they prefer to discuss intellectual issues or engage the therapist in a never-ending discussion of how therapy works.
- It isn’t that they don’t know what to do, instead, all of these are gambits to avoid responsibility
Ruth who didn’t know what to do
Ruth, rejected by men because of her dependency, no female friends, desperately lonely, no success in individual therapy (therapists said that she produced no material to work with).
- Ruth joined a group
- Therapist said Ruth does in the group what she does outside of the group (she was passive and helpless).
- Ruth said she comes there every week and doesn’t get anything out of it
- Therapist: “Of course not, how can something happen until you make it happen?”
- Ruth: “I feel ‘blanked out’, I don’t know what to say”
- Therapist: “It seems important for you never to know what to say or do.”
- Ruth: (crying) “Tell me what you want me to do. If I’d know I’d do it!”
- Therapist: “On the contrary. It seems very frightening for you to do what you can do for yourself.”
- Ruth: “Here I am again, my mind is scrambled eggs, you are irritated with me. I feel worse. I don’t know what to do.”
- Group joined in, some expressed annoyance at her eternal helplessness, others reminded that there had been endless discussions in the group about how members could participate more effectively.
- Another: “you could talk about sadness, fears, being hurt. About what a stern bastard the therapist is. Or about feelings towards other members.” She knew, and everyone else knew these options. “Why do you need to maintain your posture of helplessness and pseudodementia?”
- She eventually managed to speak up more, e.g. she admitted that she didn’t stay for coffee after the meetings because she was afraid that Cynthia, who she perceived as needy, would cling to her and start calling at night. This evoked an intense discussion between the two and by the end of the session she had done more work than in the previous six months.
- It was clear that she wanted help and change to come from the outside.
Therapy is a microcosm.
In individual therapy, the patient can often encounter their conflicted problems surrounding authority or problems relating to and stemming from parental relationships.
In group therapy, so many others are encountered who can activate a number of interpersonal issues: sibling rivalry, heterosexuality, homosexuality, competition with peers, intimacy, self-disclosure, generosity, giving and receiving, etc.
Born simultaneously
All members of group therapy are born simultaneously: each starts out on an equal foot. Each also is then responsible for scooping and shaping a particular life in the group, as they are in real life.
- The group also has many eyes, which can notice how members create their own self-victimization (that is, when the group functions in the here-and-now)
Major activities directed towards becoming aware of responsibility
Yalom: “I believe that the major activities in group therapy, especially in initial phases, are directed towards becoming aware of personal responsibility:
1. Patients learn how their behavior is viewed by others.
- Feedback, self-observation
2. Patients learn how their behavior makes others feel
3. Patients learn how their behavior creates the opinions others have of them
- Why do others value them, dislike them, respect them, avoid them, exploit them
4. Patients learn how their behavior influences their opinion of themselves
Information from the first three steps feeds into self-evaluations of self-worth and lovability
The vestibule of change
In Yalom’s experience, patients are able to generalize their behavior to real life. Once they reach this point, they have entered “the vestibule of change”, at which point the therapist can facilitate willing (next chapter).
If members assume responsibility for the functioning of the group, they become aware that they have the ability (and obligation) to assume responsibility in all spheres of life.
Most important catalysts of change
After successful group therapy, the patient rarely finds the therapist’s comments as the most important catalysts of change. Instead it’s the interactions with other members:
- Support
- Conflict and resolution
- Acceptance
- The experience of being helpful to others
Creating a social system
Clear definition of good work meeting
The group’s leader has to be aware that they are creating a social system
- If they look forward to the sessions with dread and finish them drained, then something is wrong
- If they feel everything depends on them, then responsibility is not in the right place
Generally, in the beginning, the therapist is the only one who has a relatively clear definition of what constitutes a good work meeting versus a nonwork meeting. How to encourage members to act in a way to get work meetings?
- Progress checks: every now and then, ask the members to evaluate how the meeting has been going for them.
- If it has been a lumbering meeting, ask them to compare it to a dynamic good work meeting
- If it has been a good work meeting, ask them to remember it as a standard
- If there’s feedback from one person that they tuned out after the first 15 minutes, then ask how come that happened? How could the person have rechanneled the meeting? Their own curiosity?
- If everyone felt they tuned out, you can reflect: “All of you seem to have known this. What could have you done about it?” “What kept you back from doing it?” “What will you do in the future about similar situations?”
Large Group Therapy:
Patient Government
Life management
The responsibility principles operate in the same way in larger therapeutic groups, such as in institutions.
- Maxwell Jones designed the therapeutic community so that there was a ‘patient government’ within the institution which decided upon ward rules, ward personnel decisions, discharges and medication
- Often therapy is seen as “life management” and in some places this has been encouraged through contracts: to manage your finances, physical health, social life
Activity and Passivity
Milton Mazer’s middle course
Yalom: Patient awareness
Dilemma: Too-active therapist takes over the patient, a passive one conveys a sense of powerlessness.
How to steer a middle course? Milton Mazer:
“It is the analyst’s job to point out that the patient is in the process of deciding whether or not to engage in a particular act or not. /…/ By this means, the patient is given the opportunity to make a choice between neurotic necessity and responsible freedom. If he is able to choose responsible freedom, he makes his first cleavage in his neurotic structure.”
Yalom: “In other words, the therapist concentrates upon increasing the patient’s awareness that (like it or not) he or she is faced with choice and cannot escape this freedom.”
Active suggestions on the part of the therapist may also be helpful. But be careful not to take over. However, sometimes there are obvious situations in which the client asks Why? where the therapist could ask Why not?
Transactional psychologists place heavy emphasis on the “contract”
Initial sessions are not devoted to relationship but a contract
- The contract must emanate from the individual rather than from the wishes of others which have been internalized as “shoulds” or “oughts”
- The goals should be action-oriented, not: “I want to understand myself better” but “I wanna lose 30 pounds” or “I wanna have an erection with my wife at least once a week”
Dentist George
Dentist George, 30
- Failed marriage, he was very dependent but also “found himself involved with another woman”
- Now involved with different women, and wasn’t sure whether to remarry and went to great lengths to induce others - friends, therapist, and the women themselves - to make the decision for him
- He had a situation with his father, that when visiting his parents, his father wouldn’t borrow his car (although he was an auto mechanic) and asked George to rent one
- George felt like he visits his family once a year, but they don’t even come to pick him up
- Yalom: “But you earn like 4 times more than them. Why not just rent a car?”
- George was flabbergasted, but actually called with mom and said he’s getting a rental. Mom said that it’s alright, dad will pick him up. (PS! Mom control’s everything in dad’s life except the car part.)
- In the airport dad said to George: “Why couldn’t you get a rental?” and they had a fight
- George to Yalom: “it was awful, you don’t know what it’s like in my family”
- Yalom: “I don’t. But it seems to me that also, your father has a hard time. Your mom is making decisions for him, he’s been through a concentration camp. And now the only autonomous field in his life, the car, was decided for him, of course he is fighting against it. Have you made an effort to phone him or write a letter?”
- George was flabbergasted again, “it’s impossible to talk to my father like that”, “we don’t write letters”
- Yalom got George to actually start writing a letter and by coincidence, his father actually called the same night to apologize and they ended crying on the phone together, opening up rich vistas in therapy.
Frits Perls, Gestalt Therapy, and Responsibility Assumption
Switching from passive voice to active
Responsibility structured exercise
Taking responsibility for internal conflicting forces
Frits was probably the most responsibility assumption guy ever
“As long as you fight a symptom, it will become worse. If you take responsibility for what you are doing to yourself - growth begins.”
Switching from passive voice to active: “It’s a busy day” versus “I keep myself busy” or “It gets to be a long conversation” to “I talk a lot” or “I let him talk a lot”
Responsibility structured exercise: “I am aware that I move my leg… and I take responsibility for it.”; “Now I don’t know what to say… and I take responsibility for it.”
Taking responsibility for internal conflicting forces: if a patient experienced having a knot in his stomach while discussing a dilemma, Perls said to “place the knot on another chair and talk to it. Give it a voice. What does it say?”
- It’s about taking responsibility for the knot by starting to create the words that the knot is saying
Perls and stutterer
Frankl’s “paradoxical intention”
Stuttering: Perls told a stutterer to get in touch with his anger and the stutterer spoke freely while loud and angry. “I showed him an existential choice between being an angry man or a stutterer”
- By deliberately producing a symptom, e.g. stammer, the individual becomes aware that the symptom is theirs, their own creation
Frankl had “paradoxical intention”: patient has to increase a symptom, e.g. anxiety attack, gambling, fear of a heart attack, binge eating
Perls & Dreams
Dreams: Perls termed them the “existential messenger”
- Although dreams were long considered as chance or outside visitation, Freud said that the individual was the sole author of the dream
- Perls insisted that the compartmentalization of the psyche resulted in person responsibility being lost in the component crevices
- Perls invited patients to recite the dream in present tense
- He asked patients to reproduce the dream as it’s director and all of the actors (incl the items)
E.g. a guy who dreamt of driving a car that died out played himself, the car, the empty tank, the sluggish spark plugs, etc. Perls aimed to get him to reassemble is scattered personality bits into a whole
Perls & Patient manipulation
Starting a workshop
No suicide pact
Patient manipulation: “the therapist has three immediate tasks:
- To recognize how the patient tries to get support from others rather than to provide his own
- To avoid getting sucked in and taking care of the patient
- To know what to do with the patient’s manipulative behavior
Perls would start his workshops by saying: “If you want to go crazy, commit suicide, improve, get “turned on” or get an experience that will change your life, that’s up to you. Anybody who does not want to take responsibility for this, please do not attend this seminar.”
- Yalom: “this is a severe position and potentially problematic with severe patients”
However, some therapists effectively sign a “no suicide pact” with suicidal patients, i.e. promise no suicide for a specific period of time
Perls’s double bind
Yalom: “Although Perls was very aware of responsibility, in my mind he never solved the paradox of strongly saying ‘assume responsibility’ but then also (mainly nonverbally through his charisma) saying ‘and I’ll tell you precisely how, when, and why to do it’.”
“It’s a classical double bind: one explicit and one implicit message.”
Helmuth Kaiser and the Responsibility Assumption: Story of Walter
Mankind’s congenital achilles heel
Kaiser tells of a friend Walter who was in medical school together with him, got into acting and started weighing a switch to theater, because he was talented. But how talented was he?
Yet, when we had gone through all the possible consequences, estimated the changes, weighed indications, sifted information and only the ultimate conclusion was missing, they regularly fell into a deep, painful silence. G. then sensed Walter’s unspoken question: “Now, what do you think?” Walter wanted G. to make the decision.
Kaiser called this paradox “mankind’s congenital achilles heel”. Kaiser said that the “magician’s trick” or the “universal symptom” of this heel is to fuse with another.
Yalom: “isolation and the groundlessness beneath isolation is a powerful instigator of one’s efforts to fuse with another”.
Kaiser & “Entirely” unstructured
Kaiser pondered how the therapist can thwart the efforts of the patient to transfer responsibility. He concluded that the very structure of therapy has to be changed: entirely unstructured, entirely nondirective, patient entirely responsible not only for the content but for the procedure.
P: I mean… of course, there must be something I am supposed to do. Isn’t there?
T: You seem certain that there is something you are supposed to do.
P: Well, aint I?
T: As far as I am concerned, no.
P: I… I don’t understand.
T: I think you understand what I said but you cannot quite believe it.
P: You are right. I don’t think you meant it literally.
T: I meant it literally.
P: (60 second pause) Is it alright if I say something about my anxiety attacks?
T: It seems impossible for you to believe that I meant what I said.
P: I am sorry… I did not mean to.. Indeed, I’m not sure… what did you say?
T: I said: It seems impossible for you to believe that I meant what I said
P: No I mean: Is it all right for me… (he looks up and when his eyes meet those of the therapist he starts laughing)
Kaiser believed: “anything that increases the patient’s feeling of responsibility for his own words must tend to cure him.”
Yalom: Perls vs Kaiser
Play: “Emergency”
Yalom: “Perls erred on the side of supplying too much structure and energy to the client and Kaiser completely in the opposite direction”
- There has to be a balance. No therapist can help a patient who, because of bewilderment, lack of structure, lack of confidence, prematurely drops out of therapy.
- Flexibility is needed: to keep patients in the sessions, often initial support is needed.
- Kaiser also modified his approach in actual therapy situations.
Actually, he wrote an intriguing play called Emergency which illustrates the idea of adjustment:
A psychiatrist, Dr. Terwin, is visited by a woman, Mrs Porfiri, the wife of another psychiatrist, who states that her husband is deeply disturbed, but refuses help. Dr. Terwin signs up to be a patient of Dr. Porfiri, and then proceeds under the rubric of a “patient” to treat the therapist. Since Dr. Porfiri wasn’t able to assume responsibility, not even the responsibility of requesting therapy, Dr. Terwin did what all good therapists do: he modified the therapy to fit the patient.
Responsibility Awareness American Style
How to Take Charge of Your Own Life, Pull Your Own Strings, Take Care of Number one, and Get it
Books about responsibility were topping best-seller lists (and obviously, still are). “Your Erroneous Zones” or “Pulling Your Own Strings” or “Self-creation”.
Yalom: “Mass consumerism requires that a product be attractive and most important of all, easily and quickly consumed. Thus, a ‘leveling down’ occurs: we are subjected to exhortation.”
- E.g. how to end procrastination: “Put this book down and do one push-up as your beginning exercise project. That’s how you tackle problems. Do it! Decide not to be tired until the moment before you get into bed.”
- E.g. rid yourself of dependency: “Try a one-shot ‘No, I don’t want to” and test the reaction of your reaction in the other person.”
Large group of individuals (~250) who spend two weekends listening to a trainer who instructs them, interacts with them, insults them, shocks them, and guides them through a number of structured exercises.
Though it’s a potpourri of techniques borrowed from such technologies as Scientology, Mind Dynamics, encounter groups, Gestalt therapy, and Zen meditation, it’s primary thrust is the assumption of responsibility.
- “When you are responsible you find out you just didn’t happen to be lying there on the tracks when the train passed through. You are the asshole who put yourself there.”
- Many graduates realized that they created their own backaches, migraines, asthma, ulcers.
- One guy was even responsible for the cancer of his wife. “I get that right now you are as open-minded as you can be, for forty years you’ve believed that things happen out there and you keep getting RUN OVER - by cars, buses, stock-market crashes, neurotic friends, and cancer - BUT THAT BELIEF SYSTEM DOESN’T WORK. THE REALITY THAT COUNTS IS YOUR EXPERIENCE AND YOU ARE THE SOLE CREATOR OF YOUR EXPERIENCE.”
Est effectiveness
Unfortunately, we have no definitive answers to est working. And Yalom correctly predicted that like T-groups, psychodrama, rolfing, Gestalt, Lifespring, and Synanon, est pulsated at first and then faded away.
- Fucking crazy though that at around 78 it groessed over 9 mil, employed 300 people, had 7000 volunteers, and around 170 000 graduates
- A lot of testimonials of course, but Yalom: “much empirical research suggests that there is no outcome assessment more susceptible to error than a simple follow-up, i.e. essentially a collection of testimonials. Who chooses to go to est? Could it be that those who elect to attend, to part with a large sum of money, to put up with a grueling weekend, are going to change regardless of the program?”
- “The outcomes are heavily influenced by the factors before the workshop. Workshops with people who are committed, who are desirous of personal growth, and who have high expectational sets will always be deemed successful by the great majority of participants.”
Est & Authoritativeness
Internal evidence from est suggests actually of course that instead of being about freedom, it’s insanely authoritative:
- Name tags at all times, heavy ground rules (no alcohol, drugs, watches), chairs not to be moved, punctuality and latecomers being shamed, eating only at specific spaced out times
Volunteer experiences:
- “Each table cloth was to be pinned with a square corner and should almost but not quite touch the floor. I looked up to see the person supervising the assistants standing alongside me. ‘It touches the floor.’”
- “Meticulous attention to detail”; “Perfect parallel columns”
- “I had to clean under each object, e.g. on the coffee table, and then put it back exactly where it was, not a half inch away.”
“We were instructed to smile in the role of ‘greeter’ and remain poker faced at other times. When I remarked on this to my supervisor, he said, simply ‘The purpose of assisting is to assist. Do what you’re doing. Do your humor at humor time.’”
Doing things the right way, the est way.
“Werner can become very loud when a job isn’t completed. I quake, but I know he loves me. Does that sound really crazy? That’s the way it is and so you you about your job the way Werner wants the job done.”
Yalom noticed at a workshop that Erhards assistants all dress like him (blue blazer, white open-collared shirt, gray slacks) and had same haircut
Doing things the right way, the est way.
Yalom: “The wish to escape freedom, as Fromm has taught us, is rooted deep. We will go to any length to avoid responsibility and to embrace authority even, if necessary, if it requires us to pretend to accept responsibility. Is it possible that the authoritarian procedure has become the product?”