Ch. 4: Death and Psychopathology Flashcards
Assumption of the chapter
Psychopathology is a graceless, inefficient mode of coping with anxiety.
Psychopathology, by definition
Psychopathology, by definition, is an ineffective defensive mode
- Even defensive maneuvers that successfully ward off severe anxiety can prevent growth and result in a constricted and unsatisfying life
- Kierkegaard knew: “Man limits and diminishes himself in order to avoid perception of the terror, perdition, and annihilation that dwell next door to any man”
- Rank: “Neurotic is one who refused the loan (life) in order to avoid the payment of the debt (death).”
- Paul Tillich: “Neurosis is the way of avoiding non-being by avoiding being.”
- Ernest Becker: “The irony of man’s condition is that the deepest need is to be free of the anxiety of death and annihilation; but it is life itself which awakens it and so we must shrink from being fully alive.”
- R. J. Lifton used the term “psychic numbing” to describe how the neurotic individual shields himself from death anxiety
Naked death anxiety
- Shouldn’t be a surprise by now, as we’ve rarely seen it visible in it’s pristine form
- The defensive structures exist for the purpose of internal camouflage
- Eventually the core conflict is deeply buried and can be inferred only after laborious analysis of these maneuvers
Process of developing secondary anxiety
E.g.: an individual may guard themselves against death anxiety by maintaining a symbiotic tie to their mother
- This may succeed short-term, but later will itself become a source of secondary anxiety
- These challenges may lead to social anxiety and self-contempt
- New defenses may arise that temper dysphoria but retard growth and generate additional layers of anxiety and defense
- Soon the core conflict deep under layers of defenses and the excavation of the primary anxiety becomes exceedingly difficult
- Death anxiety is not evident, it is discovered through a study of dreams, fantasies, psychotic utterances or through a painstaking analysis of the onset of neurotic symptoms
- Loesser & Bry report that first phobic attacks that are analyzed carefully are invariably characterized by a breakthrough of death anxiety
- Later attacks are confounded by the presence of elaborations, substitutions, and displacements
The secondary forms of anxiety are nonetheless “real” anxiety, e.g. social anxiety!
Level of patient concerns
The therapist begins the therapy on the level of patient concerns:
- Assisting patient by offering support
- Propping up adaptive defenses
- Helping to correct constructive interpersonal modes of interaction
Why specialness and ultimate rescuer?
Yalom finds it useful to base a clinical paradigm on the beliefs of specialness and of the ultimate rescuer. These two beliefs are particularly powerful, because they receive reinforcement from two sources:
- From the circumstances of early life
- From widespread culturally sanctioned myths involving immortality systems and the existence of a personal, observing deity
Mike & Sam
Mike had a highly malignant lymphoma at 25 and though a new form of chemotherapy offered his only chance of survival he refused to cooperate in treatment
- After high school he went into contracting and soon he had mastered all trades - carpentry, electrical work, plumbing, masonry
- He built several houses, sold them at substantial profits, bought a boat, married, and sailed with his wife around the world
- He was attracted to the self-sufficient individualistic culture that he had found in an underdeveloped country and was preparing to emigrate until his cancer was discovered
- Mike had a strikingly irrational attitude toward chemo
- Couldn’t sleep the night before therapy
- Developed severe anxiety
- Obsessed about methods of avoiding treatment
- He did know it had something to do with immobility and helplessness
Sam was approximately same age as Mike, but otherwise nothing like him
- He came to see Yalom after wife left him, he was not literally confronted by death but Sam’s situation was similar on a symbolic level
- Sam, as opposed to Mike’s “individuation” existed in a state of “fusion”
- After the losses of his father and his mother, he formed close, intense ties
- He was everyone’s handyman and perpetual babysitter (to cousins etc.) and an inveterate gift giver, bestowing money and time on a large number of adults
- Nothing seemed more important than to be loved and cared for
- After his wife left him, he felt he only existed if someone loved him
- Alone, he only took care of his most primitive needs - no washing, no reading, no cleaning. “Pointless to expend energy unless I am certain it will be returned to me by another”
- He did not exist unless there was someone there to validate his existence
- Despite loneliness, he did not take steps to alleviate it
- Yalom made a number of practical suggestions to meet friends: singles’ events, church social activities, Sierra Club events, adult education courses etc. - sam didn’t take any of it, he was afraid of missing a phone call!
- Gradually I understood: it was not important for Sam to be with others, it was to confirm his faith in an ultimate rescuer
- Eventually, he became more comfortable thanks to Yalom’s support and “fusion” with another woman and lost interest in psychotherapy
What do we learn from Mike & Sam?
Two fundamentally different coping modes:
- Mike believed deeply in his specialness and personal inviolability
- His sense of self-sufficiency was hypertrophied
Sam believed deeply in the existence of an ultimate rescuer
- Sam did not exist alone but strove to fuse with another
- These two modes are not mutually exclusive! They do constitute a useful dialectic which permits the clinician to understand a wide variety of situations
Alternatives to the existential paradigm to Mike & Sam’s situations
Mike: schizoid, rebellious conflict with parents, counterdependency, oedipal struggle, homosexual panic (?!)
Sam: passive-dependent, identification with Mother and unresolved grief, castration anxiety
raison d’être of the Existential Paradigm
The existential is one paradigm among many and it’s raison d’être is its clinical usefulness
The therapist may understand why Mike and Sam responded so powerfully to their painful situations, why Sam balked the situations by avoiding taking responsibility for himself
- It permits the therapist to engage patient at the deepest levels
- It is based on an understanding of primary anxiety that exists in the immediate present: symptoms as a response to current death anxiety and not past trauma
- Thus it enhances awareness, immediacy, and choice
Specialness & Ivan Ilyich
Noone has ever described the deep irrational belief in our own specialness more powerfully than Tolstoy through the lips of Ivan Ilyich:
The syllogism he had learnt from Kiezewetter’s Logic:
“Caius is a man, men are mortal, therefore Caius is mortal,” had always seemed correct as applied to Caius, but certainly not as applied to himself. /…/ He was not Caius, an abstract man, but a creature quite separate from all others. /…/ What did Caius know of the smell of that striped leather ball Vanya had been so fond of? Had Caius kissed his mother’s hand like that, and did the like of her dress rustle so for Caius? Had he rioted like that at school when the pastry was bad? Had Caius been in love like that? /…/ “Caius really was mortal, and it was right for him to die; but for me, little Vanya, Ivan Ilyich, with all my thoughts and emotions, it’s altogether a different matter. It cannot be that I ought to die. That would be too terrible.”
Yalom & Optometrist
No one at a conscious level denies that we are no different to others in the basic boundaries of existence. Yet deep down each of us believes that mortality applies to others.
Sometimes we are surprised by our own irrationality on this matter.
I had to complain to my optometrist that my glasses don’t work as well anymore, and he asked my age. “Forty-eight”. Optometrist: “Yep. Right on schedule.” Yalom thought inside: “What schedule? Who’s on schedule? You or others may be on a schedule, but certainly not I.”
Varying responses in Yalom’s cancer patients
- Many patients for some time do not hear their physician tell them their prognosis
- Some become aware in staccato fashion: brief moment of awareness, brief terror, denial, internal processing, preparedness for more information
- For others the associated anxiety flood in with a terrible rush
- One patient had performed all the mechanical tasks of dying - will, burial plot etc. - mechanically, but only realized that she’s going to die after writing a letter to children and realizing that she can’t be there to see their reactions, to guide them
- Another parent talked to teenage sons about her cancer, they were sad but took it well. This frightened her, because although she was proud about having raised them well, she was also troubled that they will thrive without her
Adaptiveness of Specialness
The belief in personal specialness is extraordinarily adaptive and permits us to emerge from nature and tolerate the accompanying dysphoria
For many, heroic individuation represents the best that man can do in light of his existential situation.
Greek writer Kazantzakis through the lips of Ulysses: “live life so completely that we leave death nothing but a burned out castle”
Push it a bit too far and the defense becomes overextended: the hero becomes a compulsive hero who like Mike is driven to face danger in order to escape a greater danger within
Hemingway, the prototypical compulsive hero, searched for danger throughout life to conquer it to prove there is no danger
Yalom: “Hemingway was ironically afraid of nothing because he was afraid of nothingness” - Hemingway represents a runaway of the emergent, individualistic solution to the human situation
Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea approaches death as any other basic life threat - by going out alone to search for the great fish
As Hemingway grew older and it became more evident to him that he will die like all others, he became depressed and even a paranoic psychotic, eventually committing suicide
Many suicide committers: “I so fear death I am driven to suicide.”
A commonplace example of a compulsively heroic individualist - “getting ahead”, “progressing”.
- Time is an enemy not only because it is cousin to finitude but because it threatens one of the supports of the delusion of specialness: the belief that one is eternally advancing
- Leisure time is a time of anxiety and often frantically filled with some activity that conveys an illusion of accomplishment
- A frantic fight with time may be indicative of a powerful death fear
Getting ahead of what? How? And why? Lulling ourselves info a death-deafening delusion by continually projecting myself forward into the future
Florence Kluckholm three vategories of value orientations
- Being: Emphasises activity rather than the goal
- Being-in-becoming: Emphasizes development, activity toward the goal of the development of all aspects of the self
3: Doing: Emphasises accomplishments measureable by standards outside of the acting individual
The western culture is obviously focused on the “doing”, “getting things done”.
Keynes & kittens
John Maynard Keynes: “What the ‘purposeful’ man is always trying to secure is a spurious and illusive immortality, immortality for his acts by pushing his interest in them forward in time. He does not love his cat, but his cat’s kittens; nor, in truth the kittens, but only the kittens’ kittens, and so on forward forever to the end of catdom.”