Ch 6 General Anatomy Ans Physiology Flashcards
Study of bodies structures seen with the naked eye ______.
Study of functions of bodies structures _____.
Study of tiny structures in tissues ______.” Microscopic anatomy”
Basic functional unit carries all life processes _____.
They have a protoplasm (like the white in a raw egg) carries their nutrients.
_____. Dense active protoplasm in center for reproduction and metabolism. (Yolk of raw egg)
_____. Protoplasm surrounding outer nucleus. Needed for growth. Reproduction. repair.
______. Encloses protoplasm allows nutrients /waste in n out of cell
Cell membrane
Cell reproduction of human /plant & bacteria tissue divides into two identical cells through____. Under favorable conditions. : food/oxygen/water/good temps.& ability to eliminate waste. Otherwise becomes impaired or dies. Ex: restricted blood flow^^^ toxins : death of cell
______chemical process where cells are nourished & active 2 phases.
______constructive metabolism. Combines smaller to make larger molecules. Body stores water food O2, for cell functions.
______larger molecules broken down to smaller ones releasing energy for use or storage.
Both done simultaneously 24-7.
Body is ____% water
4 types of body tissues:
_______fibrous binds protects support s body parts. Ex: bone cartilege ligaments tendon facia liquid tissues Like blood lymph fat & adipose tissues for cushion
______protective covering on body surface Ex: skin mucous membranes mouth tissues heart /digestive /respiratory lining , glands
_______ carries messages from brain control coordinates body. Composed of neurons
Connective tissue
Remove waste created in digestion. Supplies o2 to blood exhale waste gases
______ purifies body eliminates waste consists of kidneys liver skin large intestine & lungs
Human born with 300 bones. But we end up w _____.
Except for the Tissue that forms the major part of teeth _____ is the hardest tissue in body made V of connective tissue 1/3 organic like cells blood & 2/3 minerals mainly calcium
______connection between two or more bones. Two types movable or immobile
Ulna is larger at_____. And connects on ____ side of hand.
______larger at wrist connects to thumb side
_____8 bones. The wrist
_____Palm 5 bones.
Bones of finger or toe
Phalanges /digits
Purpose of fingernails protects phalange tips if broken finger loses much of it s _______& difficult to pick up small objects like needles
Fine dexterity
Big toe has _____ phalanges.
Nail techs should know the voluntary muscles on arms hands lower legs and feet. Location and what they control
Muscles become fatigued from excess work or injury & benefit greatly from massaging
______ study of structure function of muscles . Body has ____+ muscles.
________ involuntary found on internal organs like digestive or respiratory system
Involuntary heart muscles ____
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Non striated smooth muscles
Muscular tissue can be simulated by
Massage 2. 3. Dry heat Moist heat \_\_\_\_\_\_ through neurons if NS
Electrical current
Infrared light
Nerve impulses
Muscles connecting arms to body:
Pecs for swinging
Serratus breathing n raising
Traps rotates swings
Forearm muscles
_____straighten wrist hands and fingers to form straight line
_____extensors of the wrist bend wrist
Muscles of the hand
Abductors adductors
_____ originates at upper portion of fibula bend foot down
_____moves the lesser toes and helps maintain balance while walking .
AbDUCTOR HallUcis also helps balance. Walk n stand .
Abductor mínimo - separate toes
FLEXOR digitorum brevis
The scientific study of the structure function and pathology of the nervous system ____
_____ the largest most complex nerve tissue in the body. Located in cranium weighs less than 3Ib controls sense s muscles glands thoughts feelings travels messages through 12 cranial nerves.
_____portion of CNS originates in brain extends to lower trunk and protected by spinal column. 31 pairs of spinal nerves extend off the spinal cord to the muscles and skin of trunk and limbs
Spinal cord
_______ send impulses away from the cell body (neuron) to other neurons glands or muscles. Nerves originate in brain/spinal cord and send branches to body.
Axon terminal
______ carry impulses or messages from the sense organs to the brain where touch Cold heat sight hear taste smell pain and pressure are experienced.
Receive info through receptors “sensory nerve endings”
_____ carry impulses away(exit)
Sensory afferent nerves
Motor nerves efferent nerves
_____nerve supplies the fingers. _____nerve supplies the thumb side of arm and back of hands.
_____nerve is a division of sciatic nerve. Passes behind knee. Supplies impulse to knee calf skin sole heel and under toes.
____also a division of sciatic nerve extends from knee to around head of fibula where it divides into deep Peroneal nerve “anterior nerve” & superficial peroneal nerve “musculocutaneous nerve”
____ supplies impulses to the Skin on the outer side and back of foot and leg
Tibial nerve
Common peroneal nerve
Surat nerve
Circulatory system made of two divisions _____consists of heart arteries veins capillaries
____AIDS the blood system. Helps carry waste away from cells and routed back to circula Tory system.
Blood vascular system
Length vascular system
___Is enclosed by a double layered membranous known as the____ Which is made of epithelial tissue. It’s approximately the size of a closed fist it’s heartbeat is regulated by the Vagus nerve. And nerves in the ANS. Has four chambers the upper right atrium the left atrium were blood is pumped to the ventricles and the two lower right and left ventricles 
Deoxygenated blood flows into the right atrium through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle which pumps into the pulmonary arteries through the lungs releasing gases and replacing it with oxygen. 4. That’s oxygen rich blood returns to the heart through the pulmonary ____ and enters the ____. 5. From the left atrium the blood flows through the _____ valve or bicuspid valve and into the ______. The blood then leaves the ventricle and travels to the body.
Veins, let atrium
Mitral, left ventricle.
___Thick walled flexible carry oxygen away from the heart to the capillaries third largest is the aorta the aerial trunk that carries blood from the heart to the arteries through the body.
___Are thin walled blood vessels less flexible contain cup like valves that prevent backflow and carry waste from capillaries back to the heart and lungs located more superficial.
__Is a nutritive fluid that supplies oxygen and nutrients to cells and tissues and removes carbon dioxide and waste approximately ____ pints blood in the human body which is 1/20 of its weight. Blood is approximately ____% water sticky and salty temperature of 98.6° bright red in the arteries and dark in the veins colors change with exchange of carbon dioxide for oxygen blue blood is Oxygen poor and red blood is rich in oxygen
Blood, 8-10, 80
Composition of blood:
____Are produced in the red bone marrow and contain _____ an iron containing proteins that temporary binds with oxygen to carry it from the lungs to the body and transport carbon dioxide from the cells to the lungs.
___Also called leukocytes destroy disease causing microorganisms
____Much smaller than red blood cells contribute to the blood clotting process
Fluid part of the blood we’re red and white blood cells and platelets flow it’s about 90% water and contains proteins and sugars carries food and nutrients to the cells and removes carbon dioxide from cells
Red blood cells, Hemoglobin
White blood cells
Blood helps to equalize the bodies temperature does protecting from extreme heat or cold also sells leaks in injured blood vessels by forming clots to prevent blood loss.
___Supplies blood to the foot divides into two separate arteries Known as the anterior tibial artery and posterior tibial artery.
___Supplies blood to lower leg muscles and skin on top of the foot and adjacent sides of the first and second toes this artery goes to the foot and becomes dorsalis pedis artery
Popliteal artery
Anterior tibial artery
___Is made up of length lymph nodes the time is gland the spleen and lymph vessels that aid the blood system. Length is colorless and watery derived from blood plasma that has filtered through the capillary walls into the tissue space. It protects the body from disease develops immunity‘s and drains tissue spaces of excess interstitial fluid to the blood. Carries waste away from cells
Lymphatic immune system
___Is a group of glands that affect growth development the health of the entire body and sexual activities.Glands are special organs that remove certain elements from the blood to convert them into new compounds there are exocrine (duct) glands -sweat /oil and endocrine (ductless) glands- thyroid or pituitary release hormones.
Endocrine system
List of endocrine glands:
_____Plays a major role in sexual development , sleep and metabolism.
_____Is the most complex of the endocrine system affects every physiologic process like growth, blood pressure, contractions during childbirth, breast milk production, sex organ functions in both genders and thyroid gland function the conversion of food into energy metabolism.
_____Controls how quickly the body burns energy makes proteins and how sensitive the body should be to other hormones.
___Regulates blood calcium and phosphorus levels so the nervous and muscular system can function properly.
The pancreas secretes enzyme producing cells for digestion adrenal glands secrete steroid hormones for the metabolic processes and the flight or flight response. Ovaries and testes determine sexual characteristics.
Pineal gland
Pituitary gland
Thyroid gland
Parathyroid glands
____Is responsible for purifying the body by eliminating waste metabolism of body cells forms toxic substances that could poison our body. The following organs play a role in this system. The kidneys excrete waist through urine. Liver discharges waist containing bile. Bile. The skin illuminates waist through ____. The large intestine illuminates decomposed and undigested food. The lungs exhale CO2 and other gases like formaldehyde a byproduct of metabolism used to build important substances.
Excretory system, Perspiration
Oxygen is more essential than either food or water people can survive 60 days without food and several days without water but if deprived of oxygen will die within minutes