Ch 13 Manicuring Flashcards
Scope of practice involves regulations the services that you were legally allowed to perform in your specialty in your state.Performing out of it can cause these two consequences
Lose your license or be fully liable professionally and personally for damages incurred
A manicure table, an adjustable lamp, nail technicians and clients chair, a finger bowl, a disinfection container, a clients arm cushion, gauze and cotton wipe container, trash container, UV or LED lights, gloves all are
A manicure table usually includes a drawer and shelf for storing properly cleaned and disinfected
Implements and professional products
Most people prefer a true color (cool) ___ bulb lamps because true indicates that they show the skin and polishes in their actual color in natural light. They do not heat up objects as do High watt incandescent bulbs. The possibility have a burn is very real especially with ___bulbs
Fluorescent, Incandescent
The clients chair must be durable and comfortable have no low arms on the sides so it can be moved closer to the table, have a supportive back but should not have
The finger bowl can be made of plastic metal glass or even
Disinfectant containers must have __to keep the disinfection solution from becoming contaminated when not in use they must never be allowed to come in to contact with__. They all must be kept __ when not in use to prevent contamination and evaporation
Lid, skin , closed
A clients arm cushion must be covered with a fresh clean towel for each client trash containers should be lined with a disposable trash bag and closed when not in use. And nail polish dryer like an electric dryer has a heater or fan to blow air and speed of operation of solvents. But a ___Dryer create warmth to speed trying and work in the same fashion they may or may not have fans
Exposure to the ______to a particular wave length triggers the curing of the polish
Photinitiator in a UV light
____ are optional they are washable and placed over hands or feet after a product has been applied a cover is placed over the product to prevent it from getting into the mitts. They are routinely used over paraffin to maintain heat or encourage I natural heat from the skin to enhance penetration.
Terry cloth mitts
These are personal protective equipment PPE protect against microbes there is specialized clothing or equipment warn against a hazard like blood-borne pathogen’s, pathogenic microorganisms or other body fluids like hepatitis B Hbv, For HIV immuno deficiency virus. I put you must be worn at all times they are removed by inverting the cuffs pulling them off inside out and then disposing of them it’s a Manny and petty is performed on the same client a new set is required
It’s recommended that technicians have several clean and disinfected service sets of ____available for use at all times
Metal pressure, nail nippers, tweezers, nail clippers, are
Multi use implements
Many times incorrectly called a cuticle pusher that’s actually not to be used to push back the epimysium only to gently scrape cuticle tissue from the natural nail plate. Must use carefully to not damage the nail and the nail matrix or microscopic trauma or injury to the tissue. Take care not to thin the files edges into a blade which would allow it to cut the tissue.
metal pusher
Always maintain a ___on your nippers to prevent accidental ripping and tearing into the live tissue.
Sharp edge
Multitask implements that can be used for lifting small bits of Debras from the nail plate, retrieving and placing nail art, removing implements from disinfectant solutions, and much more. They must be cleaned disinfected.
Microbes just picked up by a nail polish brush can be carried to another nail if the brush is immediately used after a client to re-polish
A nail technician needs at least three sets of quality stainless steel implement in order to have a completely clean and disinfect it’s not ready for each client. Remember you can take approximately____minutes to properly clean and disinfect implement after each use and __ minutes for the auto clave process to be completed
15 to 20, 25
These quickly reduce any surface and produce deeper and more visible scratches and do those of a higher grit
Lower great abrasives 180 or less
These are used to smooth and refined surfaces & to shorten and shape natural nails.
Medium great abrasives 180
These are used for buffing polishing and removing very fine scratches
Find great abrasives 240 and higher
Two or three way bulb for abrasive technology replaces the chamois that becomes contaminated with multiple uses and creates a beautiful shine on nails. Most are single use
Precious an applicator’s, wooden pressure Orangewood or Birchwood stick, and nail brush and product application brushes are all
Single use implements
Abrasive nail files and buffers, two-way or three-way buffers, single use or terry cloth towels, gosh, cotton balls, pledge Let’s or plastic bags pads, plastic or metal spatulas are all
___ protects now professionals finger tips from over exposure to drying solvents and other chemicals
Plastic backing
Removes over 90% of pathogenic microbes from the hands when done properly must be liquid form
There are two types of acetone-based and non-acetone-based. ___ works quickly it is a colorless flammable liquid miserable with water, alcohol, and Esther and has a Swedish odor or burning taste it is a solvent.
Polish remover, acetone
These are barrier products they contain ingredients designed to seal the surface of the skin around the nails and hold in the sub dermal moisture in the skin. These are designed to be absorbed into the nail plate to increase flexibility and into the surrounding skin to soften and moisturize. Typically oils and lotions penetrate and last longer than creams
Nail creams, nail oils
They typically contain 2 to 5% sodium potassium hydroxide plus glycerin or other moisturizing ingredients to counteract their skin drying affects.Never shake your polish forms air bubbles causes rough application. Gently roll in your palms
Cuticle remover’s
Pro Tien hardeners or a combination of clear polish and protein.____Has a very large molecules that cannot be absorbed into the nail plate.
Protein (collagen)
Nail plate hardeners usually contain this ingredient that creates bridges or cross links between carrots and strands that make up the natural nail making the plate stiffer and resistant bands and breaks it is not irritating to the skin.
But it can make brittle nails so rigid that they can split or shatter
Methylene glycol
Generally designed to be barriers on the skin and help retain moisture or have ingredients that penetrate and soft in the skin or repair damage. And these are generally even more penetrating then creams and may treat lower levels of the epidermidis.
Creams, lotions
Products sold to the clients recommended by the technician are really home care products not retail products because they’re sold under professional recommendation and client is given instruction on how to use. All basecoat and topcoat and polishes and hardeners are flammable
Info you learn from the basic Manny cure will serve as the foundation for all other nail services you’ll perform. Generally darker shades are appropriate in the fall and winter and lighter shades in spring and summer so there is no longer a hard and fast fashion rule.
Square shape is completely straight across the free edge with no rounding at the outside edges. A Scoville nail has a square free edge that is round it off at the corner edges. Extends slightly past the fingertips and is sturdy Because it has no square edge to break off any pressure on the tip is reflected directly back to the nail place it’s strongest area
The first base coat is followed by two coats of polish and one application of topcoat together protective seal
In a man’s manicure you omit the colored polish and or bus the nails with a high shine buffer
Most clients look forward to soothing and relaxing affects of a massage
This is a succession of strokes in which the hands Clyde over an area of the body with varying degrees of pressure or contact
This is a lifting squeezing and pressing of the tissue
Petrissage or kneading
It’s incorporates very strokes that manipulate or press one layer of tissue over another hands are places around the arm with the fingers pointing in opposite directions and her than gently twisted in opposite directions on the arm. As one would ring out a washcloth. Performed the movement up and down the forearm sliding to the new position 3 to 5 times
And a spa manicure a treatment manicure they have names that present their purpose like an anti-aging manicure which can incorporate the use of hydroxy acid for exfoliation and skin rejuvenation or a to exfoliate color skin or remove dry skin cells
Scrub manicure
This involves the use of highly concentrated nonoily and volatile essential oils that are extracted using various forms of distillation from seed spark route sleeves wood or resin
This is used to trap moisture in the skin while the heat encourages skin pores to except its benefits the heat from the warm paraffin encourages blood circulation this is an ad on service safe for most clients after examination of the intake form. Avoid it on anyone with _____ or skin irritations such as cuts burns rashes words or eczema
Paraffin wax treatment, Impaired circulation
Any temperature over may burn the skin so 125 to 132 is perfect
Rinse all implements with warm water and then wash with soap a nail brush brush proofing items and open hinged implements to scrub. This is the cleaning and disinfecting second step and pre-service procedure
The third step in a post service procedure is to schedule the next appointment and think the client and have them pay for the service set a date time in service right the info on your appointment card and give it to the client.
Begin with a little finger of your clients hand saturate a pad and count silently to 10 you can use cotton around a wood pusher to clean around the nail fold area after removal check for abnormalities
When polishing nails if you use a polish trying product apply it according to the manufactures instructions afterwards ask them to sit under the nail dryer drying time should be 10 minutes minimum.
Repairs and wax treatment during a manicure performed the basic manicure up to the completion of the massage then apply a hydrating lotion on one hand and briefly rub it into the hand apply the paraffin with your method of choice cover the head with a plastic bag or wrap then a terry cloth or heat admit repeat steps one through four on the other hand allow them to relax for 5 to 10 min