Ch 6 Facial Features Flashcards
the organ of hearing consisting of the external ear, middle ear, and internal ear
Ear (Pinna)
outer rim of the ear has the general shape of a question mark. Begins superior to the lobe and ends by attaching to the cheek
the fossa between the inner and outer rims of the ear. it is the shallowest depression of the ear
The inner rim of the ear. it starts at the superior border of the lobe and continues upward until it ends by becoming the crura. Forms the superior and posterior walls of the concha
the superior and anterior bifurcating branches of the antihelix
depression between the crura. second deepest depression of ear
Triangular fossa
concave shell of the ear; deepest depression of the ear located posterior and superior to the ear passage
an elevation protection the ear passage; arises from posterior margin of the lateral cheek
small eminence obliquely opposite the tragus; located on superior border of the lobe of the ear
a notch/ opening between the tragus and antitragus of the ear
intertragic notch
inferior fatty 1/3 of ear; most inferior portion of ear; attaches to cheek
origin of the helix that is flattened and ends in the concha
the prominent organ of smell located in the center or middle 1/3 of the face. It is the beginning of the respiratory tract and is triangular/ pyramidal in shape
the paired nasal bones are inferior to the glabella, forming a dome over the superior portion of the nasal cavity; Anatomy
Nasal Bones
the orifice in the bony face bounded by the margins of the nasal bones and the maxilla; Anatomy
Nasal cavity
the sharp, bony projection located medially at the inferior margin of the nasal cavity. Indicated the bony length of the nose; Anatomy
Nasal spine of the maxilla
Septum and superior lateral cartilage; Anatomy
Major cartilages
part of nose that is the anterior protruding ridge of the nose extending from the root to tip. it includes the bridge
part of the nose that is the apex of the pyramidal mass of the nose, which lies directly inferior to the forehead. the concave dip inferior to the forehead
part of the nose that is a dome over the nasal cavity; point of greatest projection; arched portion of the nose supported by the nasal bones
part of the nose that is lateral lobes of the nose; the widest part of the nose bordered by the nasal sulcus and the anterior nares
part of the nose that is the fleshy termination of the nasal septum at the base of the nose located between the nostrils. the most inferior part of the nose
columna nasi
part of the nose that is the external nostril opening
anterior nares
lateral walls of the nose located between the wings of the nosed and bridge; they recede laterally from the dorsum
sides of the nose
part of the nose that is rounded anterior projection on the tip of the nose
protruding lobe of the nose
the nose being twisted/ pushed out of its natural shape/position by cancer of the check, superficial pressure or by fractures
Nasal Distortion
the cavity in which mastication takes place; beginning of the alimentary canal
projection of the jaw(s)
prognathism in which the superior maxilla jaw protrudes
maxillary prognathism
prognathism in which the inferior mandible jaw protrudes
mandibular prognathism
prognathism where there is oblique insertion of the teeth, front teeth protrude
dental (buck teeth) prognathism
prognathism in which sockets of the teeth are inclined
alveolar prognathism
the area between the base of the nose and the superior margin of the superior mucous membrane
superior integumentary lip
that area between the inferior margin of the inferior mucous membrane and the mental eminence
inferior integumentary lip
the visible red surfaces of the lips; the lining membrane of body cavities that open to the exterior
mucous membrane
the upper margin has the shape of the classic hunting bow, the medial lobe is found in the center of the membrane; narrows laterally as it disappears before reaching the end of the line of closure; contains two high peaks slightly off center on either side of a dipping curve
superior mucous membrane/upper lip
is thicker than the superior membrane; lies posterior to the upper mucous membrane
inferior mucous membrane/ lower lip
the line of color change at the junction of the wet and dry portions of the mucous membranes; area where adhesive is applied to keep the lips closed
weather line
the tiny prominence on the midline of the superior mucous membrane
medial lobe
the line that forms between the two mucous membranes when the mouth is closed and the lips come in contact with each other; usually located at the lower border of the upper teeth; has the shape of the classic hunting bow
line of closure
The vertical groove located on the superior integumentary lip; width, form, and depth are different from person to person
The groove at the end of the line of closure
angulus oris sulcus
fine vertical lines located on the mucous membrane
vertical lines of the mucous membrane
the vertical furrows on the lip extending from within the mucous membranes into the integumentary lips
labial sulci
the organ of vision which occupies the anterior part of the orbital cavity
the upper lid is wider than the lower lid; vertically nearly three times as large as lower lid; when naturally closed, it cover the cornea. the lower margin is what forms the line of eye closure; the point of greatest projection for the closed eye is just off center medially
Superior palpebrae upper eyelid
the lower lid is narrower and thinner than the upper lid; it follows the curve of the eyeball and inclines from the line of closure; the upper lid overlaps the lower lid at the lateral end of the lower lid
inferior palpebrae or lower eyelids
line that froms between the two eyelids when they are closed, and which marks their place of contact with each other; occurs in the lower third of the eye socket as a dipping curve; the upper lid covers two-thirds of the; the lateral end is inferior and posterior to the medial end; the two lids abut when they close and don’t overlap
line of eye closure
a triangular concave depression superior to the medial portion of the superior palpebrae
nasal orbital fossa
region between the supercilium and the superior palpebrae; composed of muscle and fat, deepest near the root of the nose
superior orbital area
small elevation extending medially and obliquely from the medial corner of superior palpebrae; there are no eyelashes here
Inner canthus
eyelashes-the fringe of hair edging the eyelids; irregular in length and spacing with cilia at the end of the line of eye closure; the cilia on the upper lid turn up and on the lower lid turn down
eyebrows-hair that grows up and outward and is unequal in length; it is denser near the glabella
the groove or furrow of the superior border of the superior palpebrae- an acquired facial marking
superior palpebral sulcus
the groove/ furrow of the inferior border of the inferior palpebral; acquired facial marking
inderior palpebral sulcus
the furrows radiating laterally from the lateral corner of the eye; acquired facial marking
optic facial sulci (crows feet)
the shallow, dark, curving groove below the medial corner of the eyelid; moves inferior and laterally; natural facial marking
oblique palpebral sulcus