Ch 2 Flashcards
How many bones does the cranium have?
how many bones does the face have?
Purposes of the skull (4)
*Protect the brain
*Support the jaws
*Serve as an attachment for muscles
*Give form to the head
What are the Bones of the Cranium
Occipital 1
Parietal 2
Temporal 2
Frontal 1
Ethmoid 1
Sphenoid 1
the anterior 1/3 of the cranium forming the forehead and parts of the eye socket and most of the anterior for the cranial floor
Frontal Bone
What does the frontal bone articulate with
Parietal bones at the coronal suture
Eminences of the Frontal bone
Frontal eminences (2)
Supraorbital margin (2)
Superciliary arches(2)
Glabella (1)
rounded prominences on either side of the median line and a little inferior to the center of the frontal bone; a warm- color area
Frontal eminences
the superior rim of the eye socket
supraorbital margin
the inferior part of the forehead just superior to the medial ends of the eyebrows; facial marking
superciliary arches
an elevation located between the superciliary arches on the inferior part of the frontal bone immediately above the root of the nose
forms the lowest part of the back and base of the cranium; acts as a cradle for the brain
What does the occiptial bone articulate with
parietal bone at lambdoidal suture and the temporal bone at the squamosal suture
an opening in the occipital bone through which the spinal cord, spinal arteries, and nerves pass;located midway betweern two mastoid processes
foramen magnum
these bones create the superior portion of the sides and back of the cranium as well as the posterior 2/3 of the roof of the cranium
what do the parietal bones articulate with?
occipital bone @ lambdoidal suture, tempiral bone at the squamosal suture, frontal bone at coronal suture, and other parital bone at sagittal suture
marked convexities on the outer surfaces of the parietal bone; considered widest part of the cranium
parietal eminence
comprises the inferior portion of the sides and base of the cranium, located inferior to the parietal bones and anterior to the occipital bone
Temporal bone
what does the Temporal bone articulate with?
parietal bone @ squamosal suture
occipital bone at lambdoial suture
the thin superior part of the temporal bone; temporal cavity is immediatley lateral
a long, thin, arched process extending anteriorly from the squama to the zygomatic bone; considered the widest part of the face
zygomatic arch
a small oval depression or socket on the underside of the temporal bone; the mandibluar condyle articulates in this depression
Mandibular fossa
the opening of the ear passage located in front of the mastoid process
external auditory meatus
a rounded projection of the interior portion of the temporal bone just medical to the lobe of the ear
Mastoid process
What 5 bones of the head are not considered surface bones?
Sphenoid, Ethmoid, Vomer, Lacrimal, Palatine
located at the anterior part of the base of the skull and binds the other cranial bones together
a horizontal plate that forms the roof of the nasal cavity and closes the anterior part of the base of the cranium
these bones lie directly inferior to the glabella; they form the bridge of the nose and the dome over the superior portion of the nasal cavity
Nasal bones
what does the Nasal bone articulate with?
each other forming the nasal bridge, the frontal bone at root of nose
the orifice in the face bounded by the margins of the nasal bones and maxilla
nasal cavity
the diamond-shaped bones that form the cheekbones
Zygomatic bone
The three fused parts that create the zygomatic arch
zygomatic bone,
temporal process of zygomatic
zygomatic process of temporal
bones of upper jaw; form the skeletal base for most the superior portion of the face, anterior roof of the mouth, sides and floor of nasal cavity and floor of the orbits
What does the Maxilla articulate with?
each other at midline to create the nasal spine
the ascending part of the upper jaw which gradually protrudes as it rises beside the nasal bone to meet the frontal bone
frontal processes of maxilla
the ridge of thick spongy bone surrounding the alveoli of the teeth
alveolar process
forms anterior part of the hard palate of the mouth. Part of the nasal cavity and part of the orbital cavity
palatine process
where the temporal bone joins the zygomatic bone
zygomatic process
Buck teeth
dental prognathism
a single bone located along the midline within the nasal cavity; forms part of the septum of the nose
Vomer bone
two bones located in the medial wall of each orbit between the ethmoid and maxillary bones
consist of two bones that are located at the back part of the nasal cavity behind the maxillae
palatine bones
the horseshoe-shaped bone forming the lower jaw; consists of the body and ramus portions
curve-shaped, horizontal, and lowest part of the lower jaw; contains alveolar processes for the teeth, as the maxilla does
Body of Mandible
vertical portions of the mandible; wide, flat, and quadrilateral in shape
Rumus (2)
what does the Mandible articulate with?
Mandibular fossa of the temporal bone
a triangular projection on the inferior of the anterior mandible
Mental eminence
an area between the mental eminence and the inferior incisor teeth
incisive fossa
a thin flattened process projection from the anterior portion of the upper border of the ramus; serves as the insertion of the temporalis muscle from the temporal cavity above
Coronoid process
a rounded eminence at the articulating posterior process of the ramus
the angle formed by the junction of the posterior edge of the ramus and the inferior surfaces of the body of the mandible; influences the form of the head from a frontal view
angle of the mandible
measured by a straight line between the two angles of the mandible and is used in photographic analysis for restoration
The Bimandibular Width