Ch 6 - Add. Digestive System Terminology Flashcards
- ectasis
- ectasia
dilation, (dilatation), widening
ex. cholangiectasis - dialation of the bile vessel
Cholangi/o means bile duct (vessel). This condition is secondary to bile duct obstruction.
ex. hematemesis - vomitting blood
ex. dyspepsia - difficult digestion
eating, swallowing
ex. polyphagia - excessive appetite and uncontrolled eating
surgical repair
ex. abdominoplasty - surgical repair of the abdomen
ex. hemoptysis - spitting of blood
- rrhage
- rrhagia
bursting forth (of blood)
ex. hemorrhage - bursting forth of blood
ex. herniorrhaphy - suture repair of hernia
flow, discharge
ex. diarrhea - complete discharge
involuntary contraction of muscles
ex. pylorospasm - involuntary contraction of the pyloric sphincter
stopping, controlling
ex. cholestasis - stopping of the bile (Flow of the bile from the liver to the duodenum is interrupted)
narrowing, tightening
ex. pyloric stenosis - narrowing of the pyloric sphincter
ex. atresia - no opening (Absence of a normal opening)
ex. esophageal atresia - no opening of the esophagus