ch 6 Flashcards
always tight (overactive) mnemonic
sneaky slimy snakes take too long licking little apples but pesky primates valet risky
always weak (underachieve) mnemonic
my mom Marys generous great aunt Valerie is the most robust dancer
sneaky slimy snakes
soleus- on bottom back of lower leg
scalenes-lateral neck muscles stemocleidomastoid- side of neck
take too
tensor fascia latae- top front side of quad
teres major- armpit
long licking little
lateral gastrocnemius- on left top back of lower leg
latissimus dorsi- sides of the back
levator scapulae- side back of neck to shoulder
adductors- inside of thighs
biceps femoris
pesky primates
psoas-hip flexor
pectoralis major/minor- pecs
vastus lateralis- mid front of quad
rectus femoris- front middle of leg
my mom marys
medial gastrocnemius-on right top back of leg
medial hamstrings
mid/lower trapezius
generous great
gluteus maximus, gluteus medius
anterior tibialis- outside front leg muscle
vastus medialis oblique (VMO)- inside lower top quad
intrinsic core stabilizers
transverse abdominis- under the obliques
rhomboids- upper middle back
deep cervical flexors- front neck
low disease risk, acceptable BMI
increased disease risk, underweight
very low disease risk, acceptable
increased disease risk, overweight
high disease risk, obese
very high disease risk, obesity II
extremely high disease risk, obesity III
> /=40
durning-wormersley skinfold mnemonic
bears trample small idiots
iliac crest- top of the hip bone
what does “shark skill test” assess
lower extremity agility, neuromuscular control
rep range of failure provides most accuracy
overhead squat assessment
knees in line with foot, squat to height of chair, view feet, ankles, knees from front
anterior pelvic tilt
lower crossed syndrome
eversion/flattening of the foot associated with…
pronation distortion syndrome
pronation distortion syndrome
foot pronation (flat feet), adducted and internally rotated knees (knock knees)
tight- Bicep femoris (short head), Gastrocnemius, Soleus, Adductors, Iliotibial Band, Peroneals, Hip Flexors
weak- Vastus medialis, Gluteus medius/maximus, Anterior & Posterior Tibialis, Hip ext. rotators.
locations to take pulse
radial (wrist)- rolex
carotid (neck)- carot necklace
assessment to measure girth or circumference of a body part
circumference measurements
3 common postural distortion patterns
pronation distortion syndrom, lower crossed syndrome, upper crossed syndrome
lower crossed syndrome
anterior tilt to pelvis (arched lower back)
tight- gastrocnemius, soleus, hip flexor complex, adductors, latissimus doors, erector spinae
weak-anterior tibialis, posterior tibialis, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, tranversus abdominis, internal oblique
injuries: hamstring strain, anterior knee pain, low-back pain
upper crossed syndrome
forward head and rounded shoulders
tight- upper trapezius, levator scapulae, sternocleidomastoid, scalene, latissimus dorsi, heres major, subscapularis, pectoralis major/minor
weak- deep cervical flexors, serratus anterior, rhomboids, mid-trapezius, lower trapezius, teres minor, infraspinatus
possible injuries: headaches, biceps tendonitis, rotator cuff impingement, thoracic outlet syndrome
pronation distortion syndrome joint mechanics
increased: knee adduction knee internal rotation foot pronation foot external rotation
ankle dosiflexion
ankle inversion
pronation distortion syndrome possible injuries
plantar fasciitis
posterior tibialis tendonitis
patellar tendonitis
low-back pain
kinetic chain checkpoints
foot and ankle knee lumbo-pelvic-hip complex shoulders head and cervical spine
OHP assessment purpose
assess dynamic flexibility, core strength, balance, neuromuscular control
single leg squat assessment
dynamic flexibility, core strength, balance, overall neuromuscular control
pushing assessment
assesses movement efficiency and potential muscle imbalances during pushing movements
OHS excessive forward lean
probable overactive:
soleus- back part of lower calf
hip flexor complex
probable underactive:
anterior tibilalis
gluteus maximus
erector spinae
OHS low back arches
probable overactive:
hip flexor complex
erector spine
latissimus dorsi
probably underactive:
gluteus maximus
intrinsic core stabilizers
OHS arms fall forward
probable overactive:
latissimus dorsi
teres major
pectoralis major/minor
probable underactive:
mid/lower trapezius
rotator cuff
OHS feet turn out
probable overactive:
lateral gastrocnemius
biceps femoris (short head)
probable underactive: medial gastrocnemius medial hamstring complex gracilis sartorius popliteus
OHS feet turn inward
probable overactive:
biceps femoris (short head)
vastus lateralis
probable underactive:
gluteus medius/maximus
vastus médiales oblique
pulling assessment purpose
assess movement efficiency and potential muscle imbalances during pulling movements
push-up tests
measures muscular endurance of the upper body, primarily pushing muscles
davies test
measures upper extremity agility and stabilization
good for clients who lack shoulder stability
vertical jump test
assess lower extremity power
40 yard dash
assess acceleration and speed
pro shuttle test
assess speed, explosion, body control, agility
LEFT test
assess agility, acceleration, deceleration, neuromuscular control
gait assessment
assess dynamic posture during ambulation