CH 5.1 Key Terms Flashcards
bipolar cells
type of neuron in the retina that receives input directly from the receptors
blind spot
area at the back of the retina where the optic nerve exits; it is devoid of receptors
color constancy
the ability to recognize colors despite changes in lighting
color vision deficiency
impaired ability to perceive color differences
type of retinal receptor that contributes to color perception
a tiny area of the retina specialized for acute, detailed vision
law of specific nerve energies
statement that whatever excites a particular nerve always sends the same kind of information to the brain
ganglion cells
type of neuron in the retina that receives input from the bipolar cells
midget ganglion cells
ganglion cells in the fovea of humans and other primates
negative color afterimage
result of staring at a colored object for a prolonged length of time and then looking at a white surface
opponent-process theory
idea that we perceive color in terms of opposites
optic nerve
ganglion cell axons that exit through the back of the eye and continue to the brain
chemicals contained in rods and cones that release energy when struck by light
an opening in the center of the iris where light enters
the rear surface of the eye, which is lined with visual receptors