CH 4 Review Q's Flashcards
What is a sex-linked gene?
A gene on either the X or Y chromosome
What is a sex-limited gene?
A gene that has greater effects on one sex than the other
What does a microdeletion remove?
Part of a chromosome
How does an epigenetic change differ from a mutation?
An epigenetic change alters gene activity without replacing any gene.
How does adding a methyl or acetyl group to a histone protein alter gene activity?
A methyl group turns genes off. An acetyl group loosens histone’s grip and increases gene activation.
Most estimates of heritability of human behavior use what type(s) of evidence?
Comparisons of twins and studies of adopted children
What is the difference between monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins?
MZ twins develop from a single egg, whereas DZ twins develop from two eggs.
Which of the following offers strong evidence that environmental changes can largely counteract the effect of a gene?
The effects of diet on children with phenylketonuria (PKU)
Which of these is responsible for evolutionary changes in a species?
Individuals with certain genes reproduce more than average.
What, if anything, can we predict about the future of human evolution?
People will become more like whichever people tend to have the most children.
Why do human infants show a grasp reflex?
The reflex was advantageous to infants of our remote ancestors.