Ch 4.1 Key Terms Flashcards
altruistic behavior
an action that benefits someone other than the actor
artificial selection
a process of selecting plants/animals for desired traits
strands of genes
autosomal genes
all chromosomes other than X and Y
dizygotic (“from two eggs”) twins
fraternal (nonidentical) twins derived from two eggs DNA. See Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
double-stranded molecule that is part of the chromosomes
a field that deals with changes in gene expression without modification of the DNA sequence
dominant gene
gene that shows a strong effect in either the homozygous or heterozygous condition
a change over generations in the frequencies of various genes in a population
evolutionary psychology
field that deals with how behaviors evolved
the spreading of genes; number of copies of one’s genes that endure in later generations
units of heredity that maintain their structural identity from one generation to another Genetics. See also Heritability
group selection
evolutionary selection favoring a gene because of its benefits to a group
estimate of the degree to which variation in a characteristic depends on genetic variations in a given population
having two unlike genes for a given trait
proteins that bind DNA into a shape that resembles a string wound around a ball
having two identical genes for a given characteristic
kin selection
selection for a gene that benefits the individual’s relatives
Lamarckian evolution
discredited hypothesis that the use or disuse of some body part will increase or decrease its size in the next generation, known as “inheritance of acquired characteristics”
monozygotic (“from one egg”) twins
twins derived from one egg
a heritable change in a DNA molecule
a genetic inability to metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine
recessive gene
one that shows effects only in the homozygous condition
reciprocal altruism
helping others who may be helpful in return
ribonucleic acid (RNA)
a single-strand chemical coded by DNA
sex-limited genes
genes that are present in both sexes but that exert their effects primarily in one sex because of activation by androgens or estrogens
sex-linked genes
genes on either the X or the Y chromosome