Ch 5 Vocab Flashcards
No state shall make or enforce any laws that may abridge privileges or immunities
Fourteenth amendment
Policies designed to protect oll agaunst arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by givt officials or individuals
Civil rights
Laws must provide equivalrnt protection to all ppl
Equal protection o the laws
Abolishment of slavery
13th amendment
Made racial discrimination against any group in hotels,motels, & restaraunte illegal and forbade many forms of job discrimination
Civil rights act of 1964
Right to vote
Extends suffrage to blacks
15th amendment
Small taxes levied on the right to vote that often fell due at a time of yr when black sharecroppers had least cash on hand
Poll taxes
Only whites voting preventing blacks from voting
White primary
Declared poll taxes void in federal elections
24th amendment
Helped end ormal an informal barriers fo black suffrage
Voting rights act of 1965
Policy designed to give special attention to or compensatory treatment for members of some previously disadvantaged group
Affirmative action
Reguires employers and public facilities to make reasonable accomodations for ppl with disabilities and prohibits discrimination against these induviduals in employment
Americans with disabilities act of 1990
Issue raises when women who hold traditionally female jobs are paid less than men for working at jobs requiring comparable skill
Combarable worth