Ch 2 Vocab Flashcards
Power of courts to determine whether acts of congress & by implication, the executive are in accord w/US constitution
Judicial review
1803 in which chief justice john marshall & his associates 1st asserted right of supreme court to determine keaning of us constitution, est judicial review over acts of congress
Marbury v madison
Passed by congress in 1972 stating that equality of rights uder law shall not be denied or abridged by US or by any state bc of sex; failed to get 3/4 of state legislatures
Equal rights amendment
First 10 amendments of US constitution drafted bc of anti federalista concerns
Bill of Rights
Collection of 85 papers hy hamilton jay and madison under name “publius” to defend constitution
Federalist papers
Form of govt in which ppl select representatives to govern them and make laws
Features of const that limit govt’s power by requiring that power be balanxed among rhe institutions
Checks and balances
Requires each of the 3 branches of govt to be relatively independent of the tera so that one cant controlthe others
Separation if powera
Court order requiring jailers to explain to a judger whytheyre holding a prisoner in custody
Write if habeus corpus
Est 2 houses of congress: house of reps in which representation is based ob a states hare of US population and the senate in which each state has 2 reps
Connecticut compromise
Proposal that called for representation of eachstte in congress in priportion to tgat states share in US population
Virginia plan
Proposal that called for equal representation of each state in congress regardless of state’s pop
NJ plan
IGs arising from unequal distribution if prop or wealth that madison attacked in federalist 10
Doc writtenin 1787 & ratified in 1788 that sets forth the institutional structure of US govt & tasks these institutions perform
US Consttitution
Series of attakcks on courthouses by small band of farmers led by Revolutionary war captain daniel shays to block foreclosure proceedings
Shays Rebellion
Firt const of the US; est national legislature, continental congreS, but most authority rested w/ state legislatures
Articles of cinfederatuon
Idea that certain restriction should be placed on govt to protect natural rights of citizens
Limites govt
Idea that govr derives its authority by sanction of the ppl
Consent of the govt
Doc stating us grievances against british monarcg & declared their independencs
Declaration of Independence