Ch. 5 Sensation and Perception Flashcards
A selective disorder of COLOR perception resulting from a lesion or lesions of the CNS. Color, if perceived at all, tend to be muted.
A selective disorder of MOTION perception resulting from a lesion or lesions of the CNS. Patients with akinetopsia fail to perceive stimulus movement, created by either a moving object or their own motion, in a smooth manner.
Area MT
A region in the visual cortex containing cells that are highly responsible to MOTION. Area MT is part of the dorsal pathway, thought to play a role not only in motion perception but also in representing spatial information.
Area V4
A region in the visual cortex containing cells that are thought to process COLOR information.
Chemical Senses
The two senses that depend on environmental molecules for stimulation: Taste and Smell.
A globular mass of cells that are part of the somasensory system.
Cortical Visual Area
Regions of visual cortex that are identified on the basis of their distinct retinotopic maps. The areas are specialized to represent certain types of stimulus information, and through their integrated activity they provide the neural basis for visually based behavior.
Extrastriate Visual Area
Visual areas that lie outside the striate cortex and are considered secondary visual areas because they receive input either directly or indirectly from the primary visual cortex.
The central region of the retina that is densely packed with cone cells and provides high-resolution visual information.
Ganglion Cells
A type of neuron in the retina. Ganglion cells receive input from the photoreceptors (rods & cones) and intermediate cells of the retina and send axons to the thalamus and other subcortical structures.
The neurons of the olfactory bulbs.
A condition resulting from destruction of the primary visual cortex in one hemisphere. The patient is unaware of any VISUAL stimulation presented in the side of space contralateral to the lesion.
Inferior Colliculus
A part of the midbrain that is involved in AUDITORY processing.
Interaural Time
The difference in time between when a sound reacher each of the two ears. This information is represented at various stages in the auditory pathway and provides an important cue for SOUND localization.
Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN)
The thalamic nucleus that is the main target of axons of the optic tract. Output from the LGN is directed primarily to the primary visual cortex.
Medial Geniculate Nucleues (MGN)
A collection of cell bodies in the MEDIAL portion of the thalamus involved in processing auditory information.
Multisensory Integration
The integration of information from more than one sensory sensory modality. Watching someone speak requires the integration of auditory and visual information.
The somasensory receptors that convey PAIN information.
A molecule conducted through the air that leads activation of the olfactory receptors and may be perceived as having smell when processed through the olfactory system.
A specialized cell in the retina that transduces light energy into changes in membrane potential. The photoreceptors are the interface for the visual system between the external world and the nervous system.
Primary Auditory Cortex (A1)
The INITIAL cortical processing area of the auditory system.
Primary Gustatory Cortex
The initial cortical processing area for GUSTATION, located in the indula and operculum.
Primary Olfactory Cortex
The initial cortical processing area for olfaction, located at the ventral junction of the frontal and temporal cotices, near the limbic cortex.