CH 48 ETHICS IN OB WB EX Flashcards
self-governing or self-directing freedom and especially moral independence; the right of persons to choose and to have their choices respected
bringing about good by maximizing benefits and minimizing possible harm
holding information in confidence; respect for privacy
the study of what is good and bad and of moral duty and obligation; systematic reflection on and analysis of morality
providing complete information and ensuring comprehension and voluntary consent by a patient or subject to a required or experimental medical procedure
informed consent
adherence to moral and ethical principles
the ethical principle that requires fair distribution of benefits and burdens; an injustice occurs when a benefit to which a person is entitled is withheld or when a burden is unfairly imposed
the protection of cherished values that relate to how persons interact and live in peace
refraining from harming oneself or others
incorporates both respect for the autonomy of individuals and the requirement to protect those with diminished autonomy
respect for persons
truthfulness, honesty
Ethics is defined as systematic reflection on an analysis of _____________.
Morality concerns ____________ conduct (what we ought or ought not do) and ____________ character (the kinds of persons we should becomes and the virtues we should cultivate in doing so)
Right and wrong, good and bad
Morality reflects duties and ________
To demonstrate values, a person has to have rights of expression, so ___________ and ___________ are also integral parts of morality
Freedom , autonomy
Discussion, reflection, and discourse on morality are known as _____________.
Hippocrates cautioned his students to primum non nocere, which means ___________________.
First do no harm
The principle of ___________________ directs the sonographer to not cause harm
Application of the principle of nonmaleficence requires the sonographer to obtain appropriate _________________ and clinical skills to ensure competence in performing each examination required.
Use of obstetric ultrasound must be justified by the goal of seeking the greater balance of clinical “goods” over “harms” not simply preventing harm to the patient at all costs. The principle is called _____________ and provides a more comprehensive basis for ethics in sonography than is provided by nonmaleficence
Beneficence encourages sonographers to go beyond the ______________ standard protocol and to seek additional images and information if achievable and in the interest of patients.
Beneficence requires sonographers to focus on small comforts for the patient, respecting their _______________ and the inclusion of family
Beneficence, similar to nonmaleficence, requires _____________, ________________, and excellent ______________ skills to ensure that the patient and the fetus receive the greatest benefit of the examination
Competency, knowledge, sonographic
A person’s capacity to formulate, express, and carry out value-based preferences is referred to as __________________.
Informed __________________ is an autonomy based right. Each health professional has autonomy-based obligations regarding this process
If a practitioner asks a sonographer to perform an examination that he or she is not competent to do, it is essential for the sonographer to be truthful about his or her limitations to protect the patient. This is an example of ____________.
___________________ means simply that sonographers must strive to treat all patients equally.
Justice and autonomy are the ethical principles that determine the ___________________ of the routine obstetric sonography examinations
The obligation of confidentiality derives from the principles of _____________ (the patient will be more forthcoming) and respect for autonomy (the patient’s privacy rights are protected.
Ethics is defined as systematic reflection on an analysis of _____________.
Morality reflects duties and ________
To demonstrate values, a person has to have rights of expression, so ___________ and ___________ are also integral parts of morality
Freedom , autonomy
Discussion, reflection, and discourse on morality are known as _____________.