CH 4 Tissues Flashcards
Tissues are groups of cells with similar structures and functions
Tissues (4)
1) Epithelial tissues
2) Connective tissues
3) Muscle tissues
4) Nervous tissues
Tissues - Epithelial Tissues - Two basic PURPOSES (4)
1) Line body cavities and cover surfaces
2) Glands
a) Exocrine glands- Secret products into duct
b) Endocrine glands - Secret hormones into blood
Tissues - Epithelial Tissues - Function (5)
1) Protection
2) Absorption & secretion
3) Ion transportation & Diffusion
4) Filtration
5) Forms slippery surfaces
Tissues - Epithelial Tissues -Three types based on shape
1) Squamous
2) Cubodoil
3) Columnar
Tissues - Epithelial Tissues -Three types - Squamous (2)
1) Flattened cells
2) Line vessels, lungs, parts of cells
Tissues - Epithelial Tissues -Three types - Cubodoil (2)
1) Cubed shaped
2) Forms lining of tubules, and glandular tissues
Tissues - Epithelial Tissues -Three types - Columnar (2)
1) Column shaped
2) Line respiration, digestive, and reproductive tract
Tissues - Epithelial Tissues - Number of layers
1) Simple / Single layered - adaptive to diffusion
2) Stratified / multiple layered - provides protection to skin surface
Tissues - Epithelial Tissues - Number of layers - Simple/ Singled layered (1)
1) Simple Squamous Epithelium
2) Areas subjected to LOW ware and tear
3) Adaptive to diffusion and filtration
Tissues - Epithelial Tissues - Number of layers - Stratified Epithelium types (2)
1) Stratified squamous epithelium
2) Transitional Epithelium
Tissues - Epithelial Tissues - Stratified Squamous Ephileum (3)
1) Protects from wear and tear
2) Defendant against microbes
ex) skin, pussy, the lining of the mouth
Tissues - Epithelial Tissues - Stratified Ephileum - Transitional Epithelium (2)
1) Contains cells that can change shape
2) In any area subject to changing
ex) bladder, stomach
What does the Basement Membrane do?
Provide structural support
What is the most abundant / diverse tissue?
Connective Tissue
Connective Tissue - Main classes (5)
1) Connective Tissue Proper
2) Cartilage
3) Bone Tissue
4) Blood
5) Fat
What are the general functions of Connective Tissue (4)
1) Support softer ortgans
2) Connects parts of the body
3) Store fat
4) Produce blood cells
Connective Tissues Cells (3)
1) Fibroblast
2) Macrophage
3) White blood cells - Lymphocytes, neutrophil
Connective Tissues Fibres (2)
1) Collagen ( Tendons) DOES NOT STRETCH
2) Elastins (lungs) STRETCHES
Fibrous Connective Tissue - 4 General types (4)
1) Loose
2) Dense
3) Elastic
Fibrous Connective Tissue - 4 General types - Loose (2)
1) Not organized
2) Think Fascia surrounding internal organs and muscles
Fibrous Connective Tissue - 4 General types - Dense (2)
1) Highly organized
2) Tendons, Ligaments