ch 4 (pw) Flashcards
civic culture
a democratic political culture that relies on citizens knowing about policies and government, feeling positive about how democracy operates, and participating in politics
civil religion
a religious-like faith with sacred texts being the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution; key American-biblical prophets being the Founding Fathers, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln; religious symbols being monuments and the American flag; hole days of July 4 and Memorial Day; an exodus from British rule to our holy land; and a view of war as a necessity mechanism–a freedom fight
communitarian values
connection of political beliefs to what is best for society
consolidated democracies
democracies that are longer-lived, have survived transitions of power, and have well-developed institutions
equality of opportunity
each individual should have an equal chance for achievement or to determine her own destiny and any difference in outcomes or achievements is a result of individual ability
equality of outcome
equality of result in which decisions are made in ways that produce equal outcomes–particularly economic outcomes
external efficacy
how much the political system is open to influence
a shared set of beliefs about the proper order of society and how it can be achieved
focus on the individual effort leading to reward, self-reliance, and independence
internal efficacy
one’s confidence in having sufficient knowledge and abilities to influence the political system
noblesse oblige
a sense of responsibility that comes with wealth and privilege
participatory political culture
requires that people can largely self-govern themselves outside of governmental decision making and in their own interest
political culture
the shared political norms, values, and beliefs of a citizenry about politics
political efficacy
when citizens believe that they can participate and their voices will be heard when they do participate
political interest
reveals public awareness and engagement with the political system