ch 15 (vb) ON FINAL EXAM Flashcards
the study of politics is divided by
American politics, international relations, comparative politics, political theory, public administration, public policy, and public law
american politics
largest in the US
the political science professor employment act
Texas has to pass intro to American Politics class to earn a degree
international relations
War is a big part of studying IR; Study the interactions of nations and those of subnational and supranational organizations; Mix of analytical approaches; Case studies and qualitative analyses; Minimize differences of a nation or region
comparative politics
The study of political systems other than the US; a region not multinational; usually focus on elements that define a region
political theory
Reflects the philosophical foundations of the study of politics
classical theory
addresses the political aspects of enduring arguments regarding the nature of the human condition, the nature of knowledge, and the nature of reality
political philosophy
Mixes cultural, historical, and philosophical perspectives to discuss the deeply contextual nature of politics. Closely associated with classical or normative theory
critical theory
Questions the presumptions underlying the scientific approach to the study of politics and the social academic structure that defines, enables, and limits the pursuit of knowledge across the discipline
constructivist theory
Examines the impact of language and the construction of meaning on our understanding of politics
philosophy of knowledge
Examines the application of philosophy of science arguments to the process, means, and procedures of academic study in the discipline.
which is the smallest subfield
Political theory due to limited demand for courses
public policy
How stuff gets done; Focused on how government, policy stakeholders, and the public interact to set and implement policy; What does and does not work in specific policy
public administration
Management, exploring the organizational dynamics within governments and quasi-governmental organizations
public law
The study of the role of the judiciary in politics or as a branch of government; Studies of judicial activism, judicial interpretation, and in the US the process and dynamics of judicial review are common areas of research in this regard; The impact of policing and the court system on the public or society