Ch 4 - Assessing HRD Needs Flashcards
What is the gap between desired performance and current performance called?
Discrepancy or need
What kind of need is fulfilled from project and why?
Diagnostic - figure out what leads to effective performance and preventing potential issues trainees could encounter
Diagnostic need
Factors that lead to effective performance and prevent performance problems
Analytic needs
Identify new, better ways to perform tasks
Compliance needs
Needs mandated by law
Should you do needs assessment for project?
Yes - Provides accurate representation of needs within organization
Questions Organization Analysis Answers
Determine where training and HRD efforts are needed and the conditions within which they will be conducted
Questions Task Analysis Answers
Determine what must be done to perform job effectively
Questions Person Analysis Answers
Determine who should be trained and what kind of training they need
Main objectives of organization analysis
Determine: Organizational goals Organizational resources Organizational climate Environmental constraints
Most important advantage to organizational analysis
Knowledge of organizational and environmental conditions that may affect the HRD effort ensures that all HRD programs are tied to the organization’s strategy and mission
Will you need to conduct all three analyses for your project?
Yes - need full picture to maximize effectiveness and success rate of training
Methods used to collect information for organizational analysis - Data Sources
Organizational Goals/Objectives HR Inventory Skills Inventory Organizational Climate Indexes Analysis of Efficiency Indexes Changes in System/Subsystem Management Requests/Interrogation Exit Interviews MBO/ Work Planning and Review Systems
The thing you do on the job
Knowledge, skills, abilities, and other
Methods for collecting information for Task Analysis
Stimulus-response-feedback Time Sampling Critical Incident technique Job inventories job-duty-task method
Breaks down each task into three components
Cue to perform behavior
Behavior to perform determined
Feedback about how well behavior was performed
Time Sampling
Have trained observer watch and note nature and frequency of employee’s activities
Critical Incident Technique
Individuals who are familiar with job record incidents of particularly effective and ineffective behavior that they’ve seen on the job
Job Inventory
Questionnaire developed by asking people familiar with the job to ID all of its tasks, then given to supervisor to rank importance of tasks
Job-duty-task method
Job is divided into sub-parts, providing list that IDS job title, each of its duties, tasks, and sub-tasks, and the KSAOs required for each sub-task
How to prioritize information from task analysis
What KSAOs need to be addressed first?
Methods for person analysis
360-degree performance appraisal Devised Situations Diagnostic Rating Assessment Centers Coaching MBO/Work Planning and Review Systems